Ch. 13: New Resident

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

Another day's come and gone and it's time for club activities.

"What's up, you guys?" Issei called out as he and (Y/N) made their way into the club room.

However, upon entering the room, the two notice a clothes line. What was on them appeared to be a certain girls set of clothing.

Issei smiled happily and squealed as he w the light blue bra off from it. "Woah! Dude, this is totally a bra!" Issei stated.

He was immediately met with a fierce kick to the head, sending him flying across the room.

"DON'T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE'S UNDERWEAR YOU IDIOT!!!" (Y/N) shouted furiously. He simply stared at the bra that had fallen onto the floor. He then heard the sound of rushing water and what appeared to be humming coming from the shower from across the room. He then looked at the clothes on the line nervously before finally analyzing them as the clothes wore by a certain holy sister. "Oh crap!" He cried. Without thinking, he picked up the bra in hopes of putting it bag on the clothes line, but was immediately felt a tug on his sleeve from behind. He turned around and saw that it was Koneko, looking at him with rather disapproving eyes.

"Did ya see anything you like, you big pervert?" She asked with destain.

"I-It's not what it looks like, I swear!" He said in response, his face full of embarrassment.

"I know. I'm just teasing, I saw everything." Koneko said with a small smile.

"Hey, is that my bra?" Asia asked, coming out from behind the shower curtain, nearly scaring the poor boy.

"I think he's going to put it on and wear it around." Koneko teased once more as she pointed at the bra.

"Oh, please don't." Asia pleaded.

"I-It's not like that!" (Y/N) defended, trying to put the bra back were it was before. "Issei was the one who grabbed it, I was trying to put it back! Honest!" He desperately tried to prove his innocence. But he failed at putting the bar back, as it dropped the floor once again. "Ah damn it!" He cried through his embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry. I know I'm a visitor here; I really hate being in the way." Asia said in a troubled way.

"No it's fine." Issei groaned weakly as he tried to prop himself up after enduring the kick he had received earlier. "As a matter of fact you being here definitely has its perks." Issei reassured, making another stupid looking smile in his face.

(Y/N) rushed over to him and immediately chopped him in the neck. "YOU BE QUIET!!!" He shouted angrily, knocking the perverted teen unconscious once again.

" he gonna be okay?" Asia asked.

"He'll be fine! He just needs to learn!" The (H/C) boy replied, an angered look still plastered on his face.

"Well, it won't be for much longer; the President said she'd find me a place to stay before she went to school." Asia assured.

'Why don't I have a good feeling about this?' (Y/N) thought.

Time Skip

The others eventually arrived and they went straight to work. (Y/N) was already packed and was waiting for Issei to finish packing himself for handing out flyers. As he waited, he and Koneko were playing a game of chess.

"Early morning training?" Issei suddenly asked Rias, quickly gaining (Y/N)'s attention.

"Your fight with the fallen angels made one thing clear, we need to get you worked to your peak physical condition as soon as we possibly can." Rias explained.

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