FATE Ch. 70: Moonlight Spiderweb

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3rd Person POV

Matsuda Temple

(Y/N) quickly opened his eyes, instantly realizing he was no longer in the confines of his home. The gravel walkways, the wooden buildings, the torii gate behind him. "Is this–?!" He began to question, only to hardly move his body. His arms secured tightly to his sides as if restrained by Grayfia's Silver Thread once again. The air was cold yet dry, almost as if he could inhale a handful of sand. "The hell?! What is this?!" He began to panic, struggling as hard as he could to break free.

Issei snored loudly, still sleeping peacefully.

(Y/N) looked over, shocked he was still asleep. "WAKE UP, ISSEI!!!" He shouted.

The brunette quickly shot up, now fully conscious. "I DIDN'T TAKE NO PANTIES!!! YOU CAN'T PROVE SHIT!!!" He declared, clearly just waking up from a rather perversely vivid dream. "Uh..." He looked around, confused by his new surroundings. "Where are we?" He sniffed, only to gag. "And what smells so rancid?!"

"We're at Matsuda Temple." (Y/N) simply answered.

"Uh, dude, what's going–?!" He tried to approach his friend, only to be stuck in place. "W-Why–Why can't I move?!"

"Don't bother. We're trapped." (Y/N) sighed. "Alright!!" He shouted loudly, as if he knew someone was watching. "Cue a Servant!!"

"Getting used to the Grail War grind, sweet boy~?" A seductive feminine voice projected. A mass of black and violet butterflies gathered together, quickly forming into a familiar woman, dressed in black and violet, her hood covering her eyes, and a confident and sadistic smile sprouted on her bottom ebony-colored lip.

(Y/N)'s House

"Master? Issei?" Saber knocked on the shed door, gently opening it to see if her Master was inside after so long into the night. "It's rather late. Are still working–" She entered and instantly noticed the young devils were missing. "And you're gone." She sighed in annoyance. "Of course you are. I let you sleep literally fifty feet away from the house, and a Servant gets you." A web of silver string caught her attention. Following its trail outside, she noticed its pathway towards the temple on the hill.

Her magical energy exploded, no hesitation as she leaped into the air, her armor materializing. She continued to follow the string, the presence of her Master, while faint and suppressed, still detectable.

The only thing she has to do is to run as fast as she could. Despite her Master's decision, it now made no difference whether her destination was enemy territory nor how many traps would await her. 'Hold on, (Y/N)! I'm coming!'

Matsuda Temple

"NO WAY!!! YOU'RE THAT CASTER FROM THE NIGHT WE WENT LOOKING FOR THAT PSYCHO, FREED!!!" Issei proclaimed, shocked by the Heroic Spirit's presence.

"You're. Still. Here." (Y/N) glared.

"I never left, foolish boy!" She quickly snapped back. "Ever since that night, I've been planning and preparing for this moment. Fate has bestowed upon me a chance to enact my revenge upon you both!"

"The hell did I ever do to you?!" Issei questioned.

"You took me by surprise with that latent power of yours. A mistake I intend to correct by taking your life!" She hissed.

"You're just mad I kicked your fine ass." He mumbled, avoiding her gaze, but looking down at her rear the best he could.

She appeared instantly before the young pervert, gripping his face tightly. "Do not press your luck, you letch! Be grateful I have not killed you yet." She summoned a dagger into her hand. "In fact, you should both feel grateful. For tonight, your worries will all come to an end." She smiled wickedly.

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