Ch. 16: The Sitri Peerage

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

"You guys all set?" (Y/N) asked Asia and Issei as they finished stocking up on flyers to hand them out to people for the evening.

"Yup! All set!" Asia cheered.

"All good here, let's roll." Issei said.

"Cool." (Y/N) smiled, rising up off of the couch. "The three of us are gonna go and hand out some flyers, we should be back after a bit." He slung his bag over his shoulder. "You guys ready?" He asked, heading for the door to leave.

"Hold on." Rias called, making (Y/N) stop in his tracks and turn back around. "I think you'll all be happy to know that your flyer days are over." She said rather ominously.

"Wait, they are?" (Y/N) asked nervously.

"Relax, it's not a punishment. You three have done great work, but normally the hassle of running around, delivering flyers is usually the job of a familiar." Rias informs as she got up out of her seat.

"Oh...okay." (Y/N) said bluntly.

"So what, is this some kind of promotion?" Issei asks.

"Yeah, I guess you could look at it that way, but first thing's first: we need to get you three some familiars."

Time Skip

Everyone finally arrives and they began to show off their familiars.

"This is my familiar." Rias addressed as she waved her hand and a bat with a round body with a face, big wings, small ears and tiny legs appears from a puff of smoke. "(Y/N), Issei, I beleive you three have met each other."

Issei and (Y/N) looked quizzical. The bat flew over to (Y/N)'s shoulder and suddenly transforms into the girl who gave him a flyer before he became a devil.

"Woah! So the flyer girl was your familar? Cool." (Y/N) said.

Rias' familiar smiled happily as she hugged on his arm tighter.

Issei sighed in defeat and Asia pouted as she watched.

"And I've got one too, of course." Akeno said as she points to the ground, a green square appearing, followed by a green imp appearing as well as it stretched.

"Woah, is that an imp?" (Y/N) asked.

The imp looks up at (Y/N) and slowly ran towards him. It grabbed onto his pant leg and began climbing, eventually making it to his shoulder and sitting down as he raised his tiny arm in triumph.

"Um...Okay then." (Y/N) said as he just went along with whatever was happening.

"This is Shiro." Koneko said as she sat on the couch, holding her familiar in her hands. It was a small white cat with two bells around it's neck.

"Aw it's adorable." (Y/N) smiled.

The cat wiggled out of Koneko's arms and jumped across the couch and onto (Y/N)'s head, proceeding to lay down.

"So do they always act like this?" He asked.

"No, they don't." Rias said, absolutly baffled by the fact that Koneko's, Akeno's and her familiars were so attatched to the boy.

"My my, they must realy like him." Akeno chimed. "Can't say I blame them, he is quite the man."

(Y/N)'s face grew a little red from embarasment from Akeno's complement. "Uh, thanks I guess."

The familairs on (Y/N) suddenly disappeared as their Master's called them back.

"Anyone else want to share?" Rias asked.

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