R&R Ch. 42: Sitri in the Library

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Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

The day had ended and (Y/N)'s classes had finally come to an end as well. However, ever since he had saved Rias, he had been taking a day each week to do some studying since he spent a year alone training with Starvlador to save her from Riser. And as a result, he had grown slightly lost on some of the material, since he forgotten some of it. So he decided to use the library and do some solo studying.

Upon arriving, he noticed that no one was around, at least none that he could see. As he entered, he walked around until he found a seemingly open table between two bookshelfs, however, upon arriving, he instantly notices that someone else was present. The Sitri Peerage Master, Sona Sitri.

He decided to greet her.

"Hello Madam Sitri." He greeted politely, causing her to look up from her book and see him.

"Oh, hello (Y/N). Fancy seeing you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing really. I was just kind of hoping to come here and do some studying." He informed with a light blush of embarrassment on his face.

"Really? But from your records, you're the at the top of you grade. The whole school if I dare say." She claimed.

"Yeah, well see..." He began explaining. "Since I spent a whole year training to save Rias, that was all I kinda thought about, so the other stuff sorta drained out of me. So now I need to study up again."

"Well, your dedication towards your master is very admirable. As is your perseverance in maintaining your knowledge." Sona Smiled. "Rias is lucky to have a servant like you."

The young devil chuckled. "Thanks." (Y/N) smiled. "Anyways, mind if I sit here? I promise not to disturb you too much."

"By all means, seat's yours." She said, waving to the open seat in front of her. "And if you'd like, you can ask me about anything you don't understand. I'm more than happy to help." She offered

"Wow really? That's so nice of you to offer, thank you!" (Y/N) thanked with a bright and happy smile.

Sona blushed a little but at the sight of this, but she quickly went back to her book in hopes of trying to play it off.

Time Skip

(Y/N) let out a large yawn as he stretched out his arms and back. He closed his textbooks and notebook and gathered them up. 'Guess that's enough for today.' He thought. 'Managed to relearn an entire subject within the span of a few hours. If I keep this up I could remember everything in no time.' Suddenly he felt and heard his stomach growl lightly. 'And if I keep this up, I'm gonna go nuts. I gotta eat something for the time being. At least to hold me over until dinner.' He thought.

He looked over to Sona, who was still reading her book. However, he glanced over to her left, and saw a small bag of cookies. And they looked very appetizing. 'Wonder if Sona wouldn't mind letting me have one.' (Y/N) thought. "Excuse me Madam Sitri, mind if I have one of those cookies?" He asked.

"Sure, help yourself." She agreed, still paying attention to her book.

"Awesome! Thanks a bunch!" He cheered happily as he opened the bag and took one of the cookies out, preceding to munch on it happily.

As (Y/N) ate his delicious cookie, Sona may have been fixated on her book, but her thoughts were on another matter entirely.

'Damn that Saji, putting an aphrodisiac inside cookies, trying to get the Girl's Kendo Club to eat them, I'll have to think of a way to punish him for that...Wait, did (Y/N) say something about cookies?!' She panicked.

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