Ch. 27: Devil Family Engagment?!

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3rd Person POV

The surprise visit from Rias last night still left (Y/N) rather worried. As both he and Asia continued on their way to school, his mind continued to wander.

'I still can't get over last night with Rias and that Grayfia lady...She did say that she served under Rias's brother, so maybe this whole thing is family related like I thought?' He contemplated, shaking his head in frustration. 'I just don't know...'

Completely out of nowhere, someone managed to slam (Y/N) over the head, knocking him to the ground. "Rot in hell, traitor!" The voice yelled furiously.

Upon hearing the shouter's voice, (Y/N) recognized it being Motohama. He slowly rose up off the ground and looked behind him, seeing Matsuda enraged along with the bespectacled pervert. "What?" He asked in an uncaring deep tone.

"Imma kill you, bitch!" Matsuda shouted, clearly enraged. "Miltan a girl like hell, son! I know Andre the Giant when I see that shit dangle!" He added.

"Not to mention he was dressed up like a princess. HE ASKED IF WE WERE MAGICAL!!!" Motohama joined in.

(Y/N) did not respond however, he merely rose up off the ground and dusted himself off, turned away from the two screaming perverts. "...That's what this is about?" He mumbled.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Asia asked in worry.

"How you gonna try and hook us up with a dude?!" The shaved headed young man bawled.

The two perverts clung together tightly, having the mere thought of multiple muscular men dressed in drag scared them to death. "He was having a party for guys who dress like little girls. Have you ever been in a room full of magical princess tanks?! It's not pretty!!!" Motohama cried.

'Try being in one when they're trying to kill you...' (Y/N) said to himself in remembrance of a past job.

"I've never been so scared in my life! That was cold, Jack. We thought we were dead!" Matsuda added, reaching for the young devil's shoulders, only to stop as he felt a sudden chill shoot down his spine.

"Listen. To me. I am NOT in the best of moods today, yet you still bug me with this stupid, asinine, bullshit?! I suggest you leave now before I thrash the both of you into next week." (Y/N) threatened, scaring the two boys into running ahead of the two devils and heading to school.

(Y/N) took a deep breath and relaxed, picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder. "Come on, Asia." He called. "Let's go."

"R-Right." She said, joining her guardian by his side as the two continued onward to school. "So um...Are you okay?" She asked in worry.

"I...I don't know how to feel." (Y/N) admitted. "With everything that's happened recently, I'm just so confused."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Think about it. I almost died; twice in one day, I get a Heroic Spirit to serve me through means I don't even come CLOSE to understanding, and now this whole thing with Rias. If anything, I'm worried that something bad is going to happen..." (Y/N) looked down solemnly.


"Hey guys!" Someone called out.

The two look over and spot both Issei and Kiba walking together.

The two group of devils joined together and continue on their way. As they traveled, (Y/N) took this opportunity to ask Kiba and Issei about Rias. Seeing as they've known her the longest, they may have known something.

Kuoh Academy

"You're right; I think something is bugging her." Kiba claimed. "If I had to guess, I'd say it's some House of Gremory drama."

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