Ch. 12: Acceptance

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Church Ruins

3rd Person POV

"Yuma?" Issei asked, absolutely bewildered.

"I'm sorry, I know I said some mean things earlier, but I didn't have a choice! I had to fulfill my role as a fallen angel." Yuma plead with a sorrowful look.

'Yuma? What the hell is going on?' (Y/N) thought as he watched this moment quietly, his rage slightly building with each passing second. 'How the hell do they know each other?'

"If I really didn't care would I still be wearing this?" She lifts her wrist, presenting a pink scrunchy bracelet. "Please don't tell me you forgot. You bought this for me, don't you remember?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"No way! Why do you still have that thing?!" Issei asked, totally appalled.

"How could I possibly get rid of this?"

Issei began making his way towards her and (Y/N).

"Koneko. You ready?" Kiba asked the white haired loli.

Koneko nodded and they run towards (Y/N) and Issei, but was stopped by Rias.

"It reminds me of you." Yuma's tears begin to fall to the floor. Even Issei appeared to be on the brink of tears himself. "You wouldn't let them hurt me...Would you Issei?"

"Shut up...I don't buy it." He ordered sternly. He turned around and walked away .

"Issei wait!" Yuma cried as she reached for him.

"So let me get this straight..." (Y/N) finally spoke.

Upon hearing his voice, Yuma looked up slowly. Only to see (Y/N) with a truly enraged expression on his face. His eyes full of pure hatred and malace, murderous intent practically screaming.

"Not only did you trick me and tried to kill me, but you did the same thing to my friend too?!"

"N-No! I swear! I was just following orders!" She yelled defensivly.

"Bullshit! You said you betrayed your superiors to gain Asia's powers for yourself. Face it Raynare, you just dug your grave even deeper." (Y/N) kneeled down and ripped the necklace he had bought for her right off from around her neck. "I'm taking this back. You don't deserve this." He said as he stood back up and pointed his Azure armored palm towards the fallen angel. "Any last words?" He asked as magical energy gathered in his hand, forming a ball.

"(Y/N) please don't do this! I'm begging you!" She pleaded as more tears began to fall from her eyes.

"You know, it's funny. When you asked me out, I was actually kinda happy. I thought my life would finally change for the better. But, in that short moment of blissful ignorance, I realized something. That this happiness wasn't going to last. Because it never does. My life will just continue being a constant spiral of loss and despair. So thank you, for making me realise I was living a stupid dream." (Y/N) said as tears began to form from his eyes as well.

The magic ball in his hand grew in size, Raynare became terrifed.

"Goodbye...Raynare." (Y/N) bid farewell as he unleashed his power, obliterating the decetful fallen angel and creating a tall spire of azure blue magical energy reaching towards the sky.

As the power began to die down, multiple black feathers could be seen, falling from his above. (Y/N) looked up, staring into the feathers that were falling. Thinking about the how Raynare had asked him out before trying to kill him.

'Uh...In that case...Since you're single. Do you think you'd like to go out with me? I'd like for you to be my boyfriend!' Her voice echoing inside his mind.

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