Ch. 30: The Game Draws Near

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Summer Home Poolside

3rd Person POV

As the sun beamed down it's mighty rays, scorching the Earth below in it's giant heat wave, the members of the Occult Research Club continued to both rest and play by the poolside of (Y/N)'s summer home.

"Heads up Asia!" Called Akeno before tossing the beach ball over to the blonde.

"R-Right!" Cried Asia, bumping the ball over to Kiba. "Here Kiba!"

"Got it! Issei, eyes up!" Kiba prompted, spiking the ball to the ogling devil.

"Wha-?!" Asked the brunette before being pelted in the face by the ball, immediately falling into pool.

Over in the distance, (Y/N) sighed in defeat as his friend's expense. "He never changes..." He said.

"Oh well, in the end he paid the price for losing focus." Giggled Rias as she laid on the lawn chair next to her servant.

(Y/N) glanced over to his master, and instantly blushed at the sight of how well her swimsuit filled her magnificent curves, the red color of the swimsuit complimented her beautiful crimson hair perfectly.

Rias caught (Y/N) staring at her and smiled. "What's up?" She asked, adorably tilting her head.

The flustered devil quickly turned away to hide his reddened face. "N-Nothing!" He said. "A-Anyways, are you sure it's okay to be relaxing like this?" He questioned worriedly. "Isn't the Rating Game coming up soon?"

"It is. But knowing when to take things easy and allowing yourself to rest is an important part of training." Rias explained. "I thought you of all people would know that." She giggled. "Besides, didn't you promise not to go overboard anymore?" She asked as she leaned closer to (Y/N) and flicking him on the forehead.

"I...I guess you got a point." He admitted as he rubbed the spot where his master flicked.

"U-Um..." Artoria spoke up nervously. "Is it really okay for me to be here?" The King of Knights asked.

"Huh? Why do you ask? Of course it is." (Y/N) reassured. "I wouldn't have called you here if it wasn't. Besides...if I'm being honest...this is kind of like an apology for being so negligent towards you for so long." He admitted sheepishly. "You too Kohaku." He addressed the small white tiger on his lap, who looked up at him. "I'm sorry I haven't been around as much as I should've."

"It's okay, Master. Please, you don't need to apologize." Kohaku claimed.

"Kohaku's right Master. We heard of Lady Gremory's predicament from Lady Asia. So we understand." Artoria said.

"I see. Still though...I wish I could do something to make it up to the two of you. Any requests?" He asked the two.

"Much appreciated Master, but for now you should focus on winning the Rating Game." Artoria suggested. "We can work things out once all matters have been settled." Artoria smiled.

"If you say so..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"That being said..." Added the female knight as she adjusted her swimsuit. "I wish there was a way I could be of more service."

"Well why not?" Asked (Y/N). "Hey Rias, it is possible to have Artoria participate in the Rating Game too?" He questioned his sunbathing master.

Rias shook her head. "Unfortunately no."

"Really? How come?" Questioned the (H/C) devil once more.

"Because she's not a servant directly under me, she's not recognized as a member of the House of Gremory. And since you're not a High Ranked Devil yourself, she's not recognized as your servant. So she won't be able to participate." Explained Rias. "Kohaku on the other hand can because she is a legitimate familiar, so there's that."

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