NEW Ch. 56: Those of Purgatory

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3rd Person POV

The Azure Dragon laid motionless on the freezing yet burning ground. His eyes flickered, slowly opening his weak and dreary yellow eyes. "What...What in the world?" He questioned, scratching his head as he pushed himself up. "What happened?" He asked, recalling the events of his child's defeat. 'That's right. Now I remember. So it was a curse this whole time. How could I not have noticed?!' He questioned himself, angered at his lack of attentiveness. He looked ahead, seeing the long and seemingly endless tunnel of spiked walls. 'This poisonous air, the potent miasma, this feeling of never ending dread...So, Purgatory once again, I see.' He realized.

As he continued through the tunnel, a faint light appeared on the other side. He approached the light further and was met to the exit of the cave, only to be met with a nightmarish landscape of endless hazards. Mountains crumbled, geysers erupted, lightning crashed from above, sandstorms raged, and ferocious monsters thrashed about and clashed with one another almost everywhere he looked. 'I have a feeling the Old Man is making his move again.' He began walking, his four legs trudging on the ground. 'But why am I here this time around?' He questioned. 'Regardless, this may be my chance to finally put him down for good. But I need to find (Y/N) first, make sure he's safe.'

Starvlador opened his wings, only to a ferocious blast of wind blasting the True Dragon and almost ripped his wings to shreds. He quickly pulled his wings back in, shielding them from the hazards of the land's brutal winds. "Guess flying's out. Probably for the best, rather catch him off guard than have him catch me." He said as he pressed onward.

As the True Dragon trekked the hellish wasteland, a slowly growing presence seeped through the ground below him. The Dragon looked down and noticed the shifting miasma flow up from the cracks in the ground and flowing past his talons. The violet mist merged into a giant mass which easily towered over the Dragon, casting a giant shadow over the azure scaled beast.

The Dragon tilted his head back and looked at the giant body of mist. "I was wondering when you'd show yourself." He said.

"I take it you're the one who's been watching over the boy for all these years ever since the folly of his mother and father?" The giant asked, his deep voice shook the very ground.

"I am. And I assume you're the reason why I haven't been able to connect with him? And why I'm here in Purgatory, with you?" He asked.

"The moment that boy lost himself in his rage provided me the perfect opportunity. He's so held down by his emotions; much like his father." The tall mist-made figured boasted. "If you'd like, we can search for him together, we're sure to find him-"

"Save it." Demanded the Azure Dragon Emperor, his yellow dragonic eyes glaring with murderous intent. "I know why you're looking for him, and I won't let you do it." He declared, slowly rising to his hind legs and standing on two legs. "You failed to make your own children your vessels, and if you think we're just going to sit idly by and watch your try and do it to our son..." Starvlador clenched his claws tightly, shifting his stance for combat. "THEN YOU'RE AN EVEN BIGGER FOOL THAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE!!!"

The misty giant looked at the Dragon, only chuckle at his claim before bursting into a full blown hearty laugh. "You are brave as you are foolish, True Dragon." He claimed. The purple haze slowly dissipated, revealing black colored mater from within, slowly revealing the towering, horned giant in black armor, a long partially torn cape and a horned helmet that cast a shadow over his eyes with the same marking that (Y/N) adorned upon his Black Mark transformation. Both his hands were adorned by black clawed gauntlets and a massive sword sheath the size of the many mountains surrounding them to contain his equally large broadsword. "Both you and I know full well that you have no power. You've been losing your strength because the boy relies on the dark power that courses through his veins, without his other half to balance it out, you slowly loose whatever power you've manage to maintain. Even now, within this place, you have no power here. The only one with power here is me, the other two, and the boy. Do you truly believe you can go against me in your current state?"

Azure Dragon Emperor: High School DxD X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now