Ch. 9: Running into Trouble

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ORC Headquarters

(Y/N)'s POV

After the complete white had faded away, I realized I was in the ORC clubroom. I then realized that I had left Asia behind, alone with that Freed freak and fallen angels.

"No...No No No No NO NO!!!" I yelled as I tried to break free from Koneko's grip she had on me. "LET ME GO!!!" I yelled again as I yanked my arm free. I was finally able to move, but not much as there was still a bullet lodged in my leg.

"Send me back." I said in anger. "Damn it, send me back! I can't just leave her there!" I said while looking back at everyone with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but President's orders." Akeno said, while completely avoiding eye contact.

"Rias please, you have to send me back." I begged.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you in the condition you're in. You're completely exhausted and your heart nearly gave out again." She callously stated with worry in her eyes.

Everyone just remained silent, waiting for someone to say something and break the thick and awkward atmosphere of the room.

"Fine..." I said, causing everyone to look at me confusingly.

"What?" Issei asked.

"If you won't send me back with magic, then I'll just go back on my own." I said as I turned around and proceeded to leave, completely ignoring my wounds. By the time I reached the door, my heart stopped again. But this time was different, my body began feeling numb at an alarmingly faster rate than normal. It was getting worse. 'No, damn it NOT NOW!!!...Please...' I began to lose consciousness and began to fall to the floor, darkness completely clouding my vision. 'No...'

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) had collapsed once again, at a faster rate than any other time previous. His body simply laid motionless at the entrance of the ORC club room.

"(Y/N)!" Issei called out to his friend as he rushed over to his side. He lifted him up in his arms and tried shaking him awake, but not no avail. "President, please! You have to help him!" He begged.

Rias rushed over to her servants, waving her hand slowly over the motionless young devil, sighing in relief. "It's okay, he's just unconscious. He just ran out of magical energy and passed out due to exhaustion." Rias calmly stated. "You can put him on the couch, he'll be staying here tonight." She ordered.

Issei calmly nodded and threw (Y/N)'s arm over his shoulder once more and struggled to move his friend to the nearest couch. Koneko then came over to help. They eventually make it and place the unconscious black and white-haired boy gently down on the couch.

While he laid there everyone took a moment to look at the current situation.

"President..." Issei called out, suddenly gaining her attention. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's just...once he sets his mind to something he tends to completely focus on it. No matter what."

"I see..." Rias said in acceptance. She then turned around and walked to her desk chair, sitting down and holding her hand to her forehead, sighing in exhaustion. "We're done for today, you can all go home." She ordered.

"Yes President." Everyone said in unison, resulting in everyone leaving for the night, leaving the red-haired beauty and the unconscious black and white-haired devil servant alone. She rose up from her chair and walks over to (Y/N). She leaned down and gently moved a few strands of hair out of his face.

'(Y/N)...I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I had no choice...Guess I'll just have to wait for him to wake.' She thought as she rose up and walked over to a nearby closet and opened the doors. She then pulled out a rather large blanket, walked back to (Y/N) and gently put the blanket over him. She ruffled his hair gently before walking out of the room, leaving the sleeping black and white-haired boy alone to sleep, recover, and hopefully...gain a clear head.

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