NEW Ch. 53: The True Threat

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(Y/N)'s Neighborhood

3rd Person POV

"Ow!! God, that's stings!" (Y/N) cursed, seething and rubbing the part Rias flicked. "Feels like my freaking skull was split in two!"

Rias merely giggled. "That's what happens when you misbehave." She explained. "That being said, try not to make a habit of it please. I don't like hurting my darling Pawn." She claimed, gently caressing his cheek. "I understand you were trying to help Kiba and Irina, but you have to be more careful now." She said, her tone more informative and cautious. "For some reason or another, you're being targeted. You need to be more careful." Rias pleaded, grabbing her beloved's hand gently. "Please."

(Y/N) looked to his master, seeing her expression of worry and genuine concern. He sighed and held her hand tighter. "I'll...try."

Rias smiled and hugged her servant's arm, proceeding with their walk back home.

"Master!" Artoria spoke up, grabbing her master's other hand. "I'm thankful for allowing me to come with you. Though, I must apologize for my inability to protect you when you needed it most." She said.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Really." He assured. "With all these new foes coming out of the freaking woodworks, it's hard to be prepared for things when we hardly know anything about them." He said. "Did you at least learn anything from tonight like you wanted? I assume that's the reason you wanted to come."

Artoria nodded. "Yes. Though, my sole objective was to protect you, I did indeed want to learn more of this Holy Sword Project. Thankfully, through my brief clash with that mad priest, I believe I may have learned something." She explained.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asked curiously.

"My true identity." She said.

The devils stopped and looked at the Saber Servant with shocked gazes.

"Are you serious?" Rias asked.

"You remember?" (Y/N) asked.

"Indeed." She released her master's hand and took a few steps back, a determined gaze dormant in her emerald eyes. "I am Artoria Pendragon. Known through history as King Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot and ruler of Britain." She quickly took a kneel and placed a hand onto her chest in solidarity. "Though our pact may be forged by merely an oath for now, my Master, I shall continue to protect you and fight by your side. I am your sword, your shield, your sheath, your Servant." She declared. She looked up, a gentle smile on her face.

"Artoria...Wait, hold up! You're saying your KING ARTHUR?!" (Y/N) asked in total shock.

"Indeed. That is my true identity." She said, rising up. "That being said, Master, I request that; while outside or in public, please refer to me by my class, lest we give my identity away to an enemy Servant."

"Class?" Rias questioned.

"That's right." Artoria confirmed. "There are seven Servant classes. The Knight classes consist of Saber, Archer, and Lancer Servants. The Cavalry Classes consist of Rider, Assassin and Caster class Servants. And the final class is Berserker. We've already faced two of them before."

"Koneko noticed the presence of that woman in the cloak as a Servant. I'm guessing by the amount of her magical energy she had, she was a Caster?" (Y/N) asked.

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