FATE Ch. 69: Discordant Melody

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(Y/N)'s POV

Kuoh Academy Archery Range

"Why the sullen look, my dearest sweet best friend?"

"One: Don't call me that. Two: You've got a lot of nerve showing up given what you've been up to." I kept my Dying Light aimed right at Shinji's seaweed hair-covered forehead.

"Oh come on, don't look at me like that. And lower the gun would ya?" Shinji pleaded. "I'm just here to talk."

"Just talk, huh?" I nodded my head, referring to the giant sigil on the wall behind him. "That seems like you wanted to a little more than talk."

"You were always such a joker, (Y/N)!"

I really wasn't.

"I mean really, can't you trust your BEST FRIEND when he tells you he would never, EVER try to kill you? Especially after becoming such good friends with Rin Tohsaka, which I'm NOT jealous of." He said, with clear jealousy in his tone.

Is he serious? That's pushing it, to be honest...

"In any case, it seems like you've been forced against your will to participate in this Holy Grail War too, right?" He asked. "Guess we're in the same boat then. I couldn't give a rat's ass about any of this. I really couldn't care less." He assured.

"Again, that giant ass sigil says otherwise." I remind him. "Don't give some bullshit lie when you put up a giant kill-box trigger like that."

"I simple precaution, I assure you. There's another Mage in your school. A visitor from Homurahara like myself. A girl by the name of Rin Tohsaka? I thought that with someone as dangerous as her hanging around, it'd be best to take some defensive measures."

"Again...Giant...Kill-box!!" I reminded, growing irritated. "That seems more than a defensive fuckin' measure!!"

"Oh, come on, (Y/N). I hate to fight. I mean really, I came out of hiding just to talk to you. Completely unarmed and everything. So why don't you do the same and just come chat with me a bit." He seemed very persistent to talk. "I know a nice place we can chat. It'll be populated if it'll make you feel more comfortable." He assured.

Time Skip

I've known Shinji Matou since I first enrolled at the same school Kazuki, Issei, and Irina went to. When he first came up to me, he seemed nice. But there was always something about him that put me on edge. I tried to keep a distance from him as time went on. Kazuki even told me to not trust him. She felt something wrong about him too. And after I met Sakura, he became more unhinged and spiteful.

I didn't even know Sakura was his sister until the sixth grade...after everything fell apart. An incident involving a falling bookcase in the library resulted in me breaking my arm. Thanks to my healing factor and Chisato's treatments, I was able to heal rather quickly. But Sakura still came over to help around the Sunohara house. After I went to London to study magic, I didn't have a way of keeping contact with her. She seems to be doing well. Wish I could say the same about her brother.

The second I saw Shinji, I sensed this overwhelming sense of evil from him. A vile, twisted, and perverse aura seeping off him. He's clearly changed, and not for the better. And yet, I'm following him to some meeting place. Looking around, there are a lot of people nearby. Even if he wanted to try something, he wouldn't be able to get away with it with all these witnesses. Then again, he hasn't really been known to play nice or by the rules.

"Nightlife sure is bustling here, isn't it?" He asked, looking back at me with a grin.

"Yeah." I simply reply.

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