Ch. 21: Fly High to the Beach

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) and Asia, along side Kohaku approached the entrance of the ORC. The young devil's entered and went straight for the meeting room, only to be surprised to see that everyone had arrived before they did.

"Hey you guys." (Y/N) greeted happily. "What's up? How're you guys doin'?" He asked.

"Hey (Y/N)! Morning Asia!" Kiba greeted as he approached the three. "And hello to you Kohaku." He smiled, quickly remembering that (Y/N)'s familiar always stayed by her master's side.

"A good morning to you as well Sir Kiba." She replied.

"So, what's up?" (Y/N) asked as he placed his bag on one of the nearby couches. "Some sort of meeting? Did something happen?"

"Oh no. It's nothing bad. Rias said she had an announcement she wanted to make, so she asked us all to gather here for the time being." Kiba replied.

"Oh cool. Any idea what it's about?" The young devil asked.

"Not a clue." Kiba smiled nervously.

"Well, she was in a really good mood this morning, so I don't think it's anything bad." Akeno said, handing the two new arrivals some tea.

The doors of the club room suddenly opened, revealing it to be Rias, finally making her appearance. "Good morning everyone!" She greeted happily.

"Good morning Madam President." Everyone greeted back.

"S'up?" (Y/N) casually greeted.

"I'm glad you all could make it." She praised as she sat at her desk. Akeno came to her side and handed her a cup of hot tea, which the beautiful redhead happily took and partaking in a sip. "Now, after much consideration and review, I can't say how proud I am of all of you." She praised. "Over the past month, our summon requests have tripled in numbers. We've made tremendous headway when dealing with strays. And the archduke has requested us more for assistance than any other Peerage. So, to celebrate our astounding success, I've decided that we go to the beach later today after school." She claimed, earning lots of cheers from her household members.

One member was far more excited than the others. And his face clearly showed it, seeing as he was drooling.

"Issei, hide that thing in your pants and wipe your face, you're drooling." (Y/N) said.

"Come on man, how can you not be excited about this?! We're going to the beach!" Issei boomed. "Do you know what this means?!"

"You're gonna try and be a bigger pervert then usual?" He replied.

"Issei does have the right attitude about this." Asia agrees, surprising the young devils. "It's not everyday we get to do something like this. And I've always wanted to go to a beach." Asia bubbled with excitement.

"...I guess it could be fun." (Y/N) agreed, somewhat hesitantly.

"Great, it's settled then. We'll all meet up back here after school. After that, we'll change and head straight for the beach via teleportation circle." Informed Rias.

"Fuck." (Y/N) grunted quietly.

After Rias's exciting announcement was made, the school bell rang, indications It's was almost time for classes to start. Everyone began to make there way to their respective classes, all except (Y/N) and Rias.

"(Y/N), you comin' man?" He asked, only to see his friend plop down onto one of the couches.

"Why should I? I don't have classes today."

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