Ch. 35: I Will Keep My Promise!

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Battle Arena

3rd Person POV

"What?!" Rias asked in shock. "That's (Y/N)?!"

Riser stared, but quickly looked down. He appeared to tremble, but soon uttered a chuckle.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Do you really think this will matter in the slightest?! I am Riser Phenex! I am immortal! YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME!!!" He shouted desperately.

The black and green creature just crosses his arms and shakes his head in disapproval "Wow, and you keep asking if my sanity has kicked in." (Y/N) said, walking closer towards Riser. "Looks like someone needs a reality check."

"DAMN YOU!!!" Riser shouted as he conjures a small ball of fire in his hand. He unleashed it on (Y/N), but is easily deflected. Riser grows enraged, putting his hands together and sends blast upon blast of fire balls at (Y/N), creating a massive dust cloud to form with each volley. Once Riser stopped, the smoke cleared and (Y/N) emerged from the dust, completely unharmed. "What-What are you?!" Riser questioned, utterly terrified.

(Y/N) vanished within mere seconds and appears right in front of Riser, delivering a fierce punch to the gut.

Riser spat up blood in reaction to this and threw two punches at the black and green monster of shadow, missing both as (Y/N) dodged, giving the shadow casted devil this brief moment and opportunity to deliver two quick jabs to Riser's head.

Riser quickly punched at (Y/N) by the young devil moved to the side and kicked the Noblemen in the gut then roundhouse kicked him back.

The Phenex arched back upright and charged the boy again, trying to kick him in the head.

(Y/N) dodged and punched Riser in the face once more, following up with a gut punch and another punch to the face.

Slowly, he raised his leg up and side kicked him straight into another wall.

Riser slowly stumbled out and fell to his knees. "N-No. Damn it NO!!! THIS IS NOT HOW THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!" Riser yelled, punching the ground and making small craters with each one.

(Y/N) stepped forward, looking down at the tantruming Riser Phenex . "You're a Noble for God's sake. At least accept your defeat with some shred of honor." (Y/N) said.

"How? How are you so strong? How are you so fast?!" Riser asked.

"Before I came here, I offered up something to my Dragon...My right eye." (Y/N) said, pointing at his right eye. "By doing this, it granted me the ability of 'Dragon Sight'. I could see your moves before they even happen, giving me each opportunity to strike, deflect or dodge."  (Y/N) rose his hand up to the sky, the dark and evil fire forming in his hand a massive sword. (Y/N) looked down at the pitiful man he had finally beaten. "Surrender Riser, or else this will worsen for you." (Y/N) ordered.

Suddenly, a sharp pain emerged in his chest once more. His darkness slowly faded away as he clutched onto his chest. He fell to his knees, unable to stand due to the excruciating pain. "Damn it! I thought I minimized this by now! What the hell is going on?!" He said as he cringed at the pain.

Riser took this opportunity and grabbed the poor boy by the collar of his shirt and raised him up into the air. "That's too bad." Riser taunted with an arrogant smile. "Looks like someone lost all their power. Riser believes it's time to end this pathetic charade." He hissed.

As if by a miracle, (Y/N)'s heart started to beat again and he managed to stay conscious. He looked upon his current predicament, and suddenly got an idea.
"Yep...looks like this is it." He said weakly, catching Riser's attention and confusion. "Well, before you kill me. Allow me just one last request."

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