NEW Ch. 58: Divine Retribution! Decisive Battle at Kuoh Academy!

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Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

"Damn it..." Saji groaned, his magical energy becoming nearly exhausted.

The Sitri Peerage continued to push themselves maintaining the Perfect Dome spell from expanding.

"President, the others are starting to falter!" Informed Tsubaki. "I'm not sure how long they can keep this up!"

"Keep pushing for as long as you can!" Sona ordered. "If you can't maintain it anymore, step back and rest for a moment!" She instructed. 'Rias! (Y/N)! Come on! Hurry up! Take Kokabiel down!'

Whis' eyes flickered for a moment, feeing a familiar sensation encroach him from within the confines. "Oh my. How interesting." He mentioned.

Sona looked to the blue-skinned man. "Whis, what is it-?!" She and many of the other had felt the odd and powerful chill erupt from their bodies. "What-What is this? My whole body...It weird..."

"Lady Sona, I'd advise you step down and let me handle it from here on out." Whis advised.

The Sitri devils looked to the staff wielding man.

"I can hold it myself for the few more moments this will last." He turned to the children and smiled cheerfully. "Rest assured, this will all be over shortly."

Inside the Perfect Dome, the battle between the Fallen Angel General and the devils continued. However, all appeared to come to a total halt.

(Y/N), encased in a white, fire-like aura fully turned around and stared intensely at Kokabiel with his piercing silver eyes.

Kokabiel continued to look at the young devil's appearance, feeling a sense of familiarity. 'That form...' He pondered told himself. 'That aura isn't simply that of holy origins. No. It's almost-no, it is Divine.'

(Y/N) glared at the fallen angel, focusing his hardened gaze as his gently raised his foot off the ground.

'What in the world is thi-?!' Kokabiel's mind was suddenly silenced by a powerful kick into his face, delivered by (Y/N), who had appeared instantly before him.

Everyone was stunned by his sudden appearance before the fallen angel.

"How did-" Rias fell baffled.

"I didn't even see him." Kiba awed.

"Was what that? Teleportation?" Issei questioned.

"That was pure speed. There wasn't a trace of magical energy being deployed. He was so fast we couldn't even see him move." Akeno analyzed

Kokabiel growled through the burning sensation on his face and threw his darkness-made arm at his opponent.

(Y/N) spun around the oncoming blow and released his fist, aimed once again at Kokabiel's face and sending him flying.

Kokabeil flew across the ground a great distance, crashing and destroying a great deal of the forestry.

(Y/N) descended back down in front of his allies. Not uttering a single word and just staring off in the direction he flung the fallen angel.

Everyone was shaken by his new appearance. All of the devils' bodies were engulfed in ominous chills. Xenovia's body was embraced by a warm tingling sensation.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Rias called out.

The young Pawn didn't reply to his master's call.

"Is that...Is that really you?" She asked with slight fear.

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