Ch. 6: Devil Work Begins

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(Y/N)'s POV

As I continued jumping off roofs and landing in front of houses delivering flyers for Rias, I remembered what she had told me before I had left.


"(Y/N), before you head out, make sure you keep your eyes open for any other fallen angels. But do not interfere." She demanded.

I stopped packing my flyers, only to give Rias a quizzical look. "Why? You know I can take 'em." I justified.

"Just because you're a devil and you know how to fight, that doesn't mean you're invincible." She informed.

"Yeah, I know. I just think that in the worst-case scenario, I need to defend myself at least."

"I understand." She remained silent for a short while, as if she was thinking. I didn't pay too much attention to it so I continued packing my bag with flyer packs. "(Y/N), lend me your hand." She orders. I look at her with a confused look on my face, but did what she said anyway.

"Um...okay?" I extend my left hand to her and she circles my palm with her finger, summoning a bizarre, red symbol on it.

"There." Rias states as she stops running her finger on my palm.

"What's this?" I asked as I looked at the new sigil on my palm.

"That symbol is my family crest. It lets others know that you now belong to me." Her explanation made me feel a little uneasy, I understood fully what she meant, it just sounded weird.

"Oh, thanks." I simply said. I still couldn't understand the fact that I had to deliver flyers. "Hard to believe that my first job as a devil is being a paperboy." I muttered lightly under my breath. Honestly, I didn't mind. I'm used to it, hell, I had to do part-time jobs all the time just to pay rent on my house. Before I knew it, I felt a soft hand stroking my cheek. I look over and see that it was Rias, and she was smiling.

"You may be a paperboy, but you're my paperboy. Come on (Y/N) there'll be a prize at the end if you do it." She seductively incised.

"Oh yeah? What kind of prize?" I ask. 'Honestly, I'm worried about what that may be...' I worried to myself. I didn't want it regardless of what it was.

"It's a surprise." Rias smiled at me as she continued to stroke and rub my cheek. Before I could ask her to let me go deliver the flyers, I heard the door burst open, catching everyone's immediate attention. I looked over and saw someone I haven't seen in quite a while.

"WHERE IS HE?!" He roared, sounding completely panicked. He jerked his head around frantically, looking for something. He and I soon make eye contact, filling the air in awkward silence. "S'up?" He greeted casually with a wave of his hand.

"You little-" I rose up and stomped over to him. The instant I reached him, I slammed my fist into his face, sending him flying and falling to the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow..." He whined as he rubbed his cheek, which was red and swollen. "What was that for?!" He asked irritated. When he looked up, his expression went from angry to scared.

Understandable, because I was giving him the most vicious death glare I could muster. "That's what you get for not telling me you were a devil." I scowled coldly.

Issei looked down with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"For what? Not telling me what was going on? I was worried sick about you, you jerk." I explained.

"What?" He asked.

"You haven't been acting like yourself lately, I thought something was wrong. But now I that I know it was this, I don't know whether to be pissed or relieved."

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