Ch. 15: Matters of the Heart

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Chisato's Apartment

3rd Person POV

After the two had eaten the food that (Y/N) had prepared for Chisato, he cleaned the dishes and whipped the table to finish. Chisato was laying on the couch again, resting her weary head.

"Okay, well looks like I'm done here. If you don't need anything else, I'll be on my way." (Y/N) said as he made his way over to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow at school Chisato!" He called.

"Wait." The beautiful brunette said, getting up from the couch and walked over to the young man with something in her hand. It appeared to be some sort of gold chain. She pulled it out and it was revealed to be a locket of some sort. She wrapped her arms around the young man and connected to locket around his neck. "Here. Can't have you go back empty handed now can I?" She asks sweetly.

"Oh! Right, thanks." The young man said. "I keep forgetting about that." He said, feeling a little embarrassed that he forgot that he needed something to prove that the pact was completed.

Chisato giggled.

"You're such a silly boy." She said. She proceeded to lean in towards (Y/N) and soon enveloped him in a hug. "Please be safe out there." She pleaded.

(Y/N) smiled, returning Chisato's tender and loving hug.

"I will." He said, breaking the hug.

He stepped back and waved Chisato farewell before teleporting himself back to the ORC Headquarters.

ORC Headquarters

"I'm back." He called out.

"Welcome back!" Asia said, running up to him giving him a hug, which he gladly returned.

He looked around the room and noticed that only Asia and Akeno were present. Still no sign of Issei or Rias.

"Hey, where's Master and Issei?" He asked.

"Well, Rias had to step out for a bit, and Issei's still passing out fliers." Akeno said.

"Oh, okay well I just finished up another pact so, yay me." (Y/N) cheered sarcastically.

"Great job. But I hate to say this, but you're gonna have to go out again." Akeno says apologetically.

"Really?...Okay." (Y/N) said with a shrug of his shoulders, realizing that there'd be no point in arguing. That and he didn't have a problem in fulfilling another summon request. "Where at?" He asked.

"Right here." Akeno says, handing the boy the address for the new summon request.

He put it in the radar and found it's location.

"Okay, I'm heading out again. Peace!" He said throwing up a peice sign and teleporting to the location he was summoned.

Apartment Complex

"206 huh?" He said walking up the stairs towards the door.

Upon arriving, he looked at the door with the specified number and saw it's design.

"Aw, it's kinda cute." He said before ringing the doorbell.

However, what came from behind the door, was not at all what he expected.

"Door's open, come on in sweet tits." The voice...sounded like a man.

A sudden shiver went down (Y/N)'s spine.

"Sweet tits?" He asked in disbelief. "...Welp, think I'm done here so I'mma just mosey on outta here." He said as he tried to quietly walk away.

The door suddenly opened and it revealed to be a massive muscular man in a magical girl outfit. The two simply stare at each other, one of them being more intimidated by the other. "What's the 411, girl?" The man asked. "I'm Miltan." He posed.

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