Ch. 5: Resurrection

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(Y/N)'s Bedroom

(Y/N)'s POV

This, this is crazy. Like, grade-A crazy. How is this even happening right now?! Rias my my my house!

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from outside followed by a voice.

"(Y/N)? Are you awake? Time to get up kiddo." The cheery voice called.

"Shit!" I curse out loud in a soft whisper. 'Mrs. Hyoudou! I forgot she and her husband were coming over to check on me for the month.' I thought in shock, I continued to look around the area for something to cover Rias with. I then look down and see that I was already holding the bed covers. "Here! Cover yourself!" I yell before tripping and falling on top of her, covering only the lower part of her body. Revealing her large, beautiful breasts.

My door suddenly opened and my worst fear had come to fruition.

"(Y/N) good mor-" Mrs. Hyoudou's voice could be heard clearly, because she had entered my room. I slowly turned around to see her looking at me, hovering over Rias, both of us still naked. We both looked at each other in awkward silence, filling the room with its presence.

Until Rias spoke up. "Good morning. How are you?" She asked with a God to honest smile on her face.

"Hello and fine thanks. (Y/N), I see you're already up...and naked." She then proceeded to close the door slowly. She then stomped downstairs and began yelling. "Do you know what he's doing up there?!" She shouted.

"Why are you shouting at me?" Mr. Hyoudou asked, completely unaware of what was going on.

"(Y/N) has a girl up in his room. She was naked and real!"

"Wait back up. Are you saying he has a GIRL UP THERE?!"

And with that comment, I was done, I gave up on everything and fell to the floor. "Dear God, let me turn into a bird, so I can fly. Fly far away." I began preaching, hoping all this would end. 'Okay, piece this together man. Rias, in my room, in my bed, I'm naked, she's naked...' After going over some of the detail of the most recent events, I finally pieced them all together. "Oh god." Was all could say.

"Sure is a party here in the morning, huh?" Rias asks me, as if she didn't even care that she was naked.

I look at her and admired her figure, quickly looking away after realizing what I was doing."'re still naked." I pointed out.

"Yes, I know." She stated with a smile, waving her leg in front of me.

"But, I can kinda see...everything." I said, trying to avoid staring.

"Want me to stand up so you can get a better look?" She asked as she rose up off my bed.

'She did not just say that. NORMAL GIRLS DON'T JUST SAY THAT!' I had no idea what the hell was going on here. Also, what is with this girl?! "Quite the opposite-" I stated as I handed her something to cover her front. "Could you please cover up?" I asked looking away, trying to avert my eyes.

I felt the blanket I handed her be removed from my hand and I slowly looked back at Rias, who was now covering her front. "Well aren't you a gentleman. And they say chivalry is dead, thank you." She thanked in a sweet tone of voice, causing me to slightly blush.

"Y-Yeah, sure." I simply said.

She knelt down and picked up her black and purple bra. "How're you feeling?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, um...fine? I guess. All things considered." I replied. Then again, I didn't really know what she was referring.

She turned her back and moved her long beautiful red hair, revealing her unclipped bra's strap. "Would you mind?"

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