Ch. 33: The Black Nightmare Rages

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3rd Person POV

Not a single devil uttered a single word, made a single movement. All they did was continue to stare in amazement and fear at (Y/N)'s new transformation.

The shadow coated devil smiled wickedly, his razor-sharp teeth bared themselves to Riser and his Queen.

"What-" Riser uttered, fearful as to what was going to happen next. "What are you?"

(Y/N)'s smile grew wider, stepping forward and causing Riser to jump back. " your worst God Damn nightmare." He snarled.

Riser winced at this proclamation, conjuring a massive fireball within his hands. "Y-You wretched Pawn! Riser will burn you alive!" He said, throwing the ball of fire towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) simply chuckled and phased through the ground and into the shadow, moving away from the bright fireball before crashing down to where he was.

As the blast settled, the Phenex Noblemen looked on, not seeing (Y/N). He felt accomplished and revealed. He let out an obnoxious fit of laughter. "Oh, my dear Rias, you truly have the worst taste in servants! Seems as though that Pawn was nothing but banter!" He cackled. "Now..." He reaches out his hand. "Surrender and become my bride." He smiled.

From his own shadow, a grey-skinned hand emerged and gripped his wrist as tightly as possible, causing Riser to look fearful once more. Slowly, (Y/N) emerged from Riser's shadow, still carrying his sharp-fanged smirk. "Sorry...But that's not gonna happen!" He snarled, pulling his captive down before slamming his fist into his face, sending him flying far away from the rooftop and into the forest.

"You-You wretched cur-!" Yubelluna yelled furiously, readying another explosion spell before she was silenced by (Y/N) hand right before her face.

(Y/N) simply smiled. "Burn..." He whispered. A massive burst of flames erupted from his hand, causing his arm to swing back due in reaction to the force of the blast.

The clothes of the Queen of the Phenex Peerage burned clean off, revealing her naked body before turning to stardust as she screamed in misery.

"Lord Riser's Queen...Retired."

"That was for my friends you bitch." He snarled.

Student Council Room

After the small display of (Y/N)'s new power, the ladies of the Sitri and the King of Knights were in awe, unsure of how to process what they were seeing.

" the world happened?" Tsubaki questioned.

"He...He just took out Riser's Queen like it was nothing." Sona stared dumbfounded. "Artoria, did you know about this?!"

Artoria remained silent as she continued to stare at her master with pride, and a little worry, due to not having any idea what happened to her master.

Sona looked back to the Rating Game, only for one question to come to mind. '(Y/N) (L/N)...Just what in the world are you?'


"(Y-Y/N)?" Rias stuttered, fearful of this new transformation her beloved Pawn had undergone. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She could barely recognize him. The pressure she felt radiate off of him was practically suffocating, she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

(Y/N) jerked his head back, instantly spotting his master, Asia, and Kohaku. He instantly disappeared, only to reappear in the blink of an eye before the girls.

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