R&R Ch. 37: Normality to Supernatural

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

Another normal day has passed for the students of Kuoh Academy. All that remained were club activities for anyone involved.

(Y/N), who simply looked over and reviewed a text book for one of his classes as he laid on one of the couches. Taking what many have been scolding him for not doing to heart, he decided to take a day off and relax. However, his day of relaxation was filled with unease and anxiety.

Since the moment he arrived in the clubroom, Akeno Himejima would glance at the young devil. He would often catch her and she'd remove her gaze instantly.

After feeling her violet eyes on him once more, he sighed and put his book down. "Akeno, is something wrong?" He asked.

She jumped and scratched her head, looking away with embarrassment. "Well...no. Not in particular." She claimed. Yet the pitch in her tone made it seem as if there was something she wanted to say.

"You've been staring at me since I got here. What's up?" (Y/N) asked again.

"Really, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." She reassured once more.

(Y/N) felt that if he pushed too hard, it might make her uncomfortable. So he decided to let it go and try to pay her no mind. "Alright." He said, returning to his textbook.

"Well..." The Queen chirped, leaning over against the back of the couch. "It's about you hair."

'Ah. So that's it.' He thought, grabbing one of the cookies that Akeno had brought from the table and putting it in his mouth. 'Damn, these are friggin' amazing.' He praised. "I'm getting it cut on Monday." He muffled, flipping over a page in his book.

"No no no. It's not that." The ravenette assured. "I...Well...It's just..." She stuttered, trying to find the right way to ask her question. "Now I know this may sound odd but..." She trailed off.


"Would you please let me braid your hair?!" She asked loudly.

(Y/N) rose an eyebrow, baffled by his senior's request. He turned around and saw the stars in her excited violet eyes. "You're joking. Braid my hair?" He questioned.

"I'm not hearing a no~" Akeno sang in excitement.

"Is this just your way of trying to tell me to get a haircut?" He asked.

"Please?" She asked once again. "If your getting it cut soon then it shouldn't matter right?"

"I guess but..." He began to retort as he reached for another cookie, only to feel nothing but the bottom of the bowl. He glanced over and saw the bowl was empty. 'Shit. How am I gonna...' He began to curse, but suddenly came up with an idea. "Tell you what..." He stared into Akeno's eyes, delivering a rather seductive smirk. "How about you give me a 'sweet treat', and I'll let you do whatever you want with this hair."

Akeno giggled, leaning down and smiling with a faint blush on her face. "Sounds a fair trade sweetie~" She purred.

Time Skip

"Are you sure it's really a good idea Rias?" Asia asked as she, Koneko and her master made their way up the stairs to the clubroom. "It's just he's trying to recollect everything he's forgotten since he went into The Boundary."

"Of course." Assured the redhead. "After all, we all know how hard he works. (Y/N) deserves some time off. And I think a trip to a private resort is just what he needs." Rias smiled. "For once, I'll be the one taking care of him rather than him taking care of me." She hummed eagerly. 'In addition, this will be a great chance for us to grow closer. I want my (Y/N) to be as happy as can be.' The Princess of Ruin giggled.

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