Ch. 10: Saving a Friend

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Church Ruins

(Y/N)'s POV

As I continued to run down the open trail between many broken trees and bushed, I began to spot a building close by. And as I got closer, a shockwave of uneasy feelings and discomfort blasted right through my whole body.

'This building must be the church where the fallen angles are having their ceremony. It has to be.' I thought as I continued running, mentally preparing myself for anything that might pop out and attack me last minute.

But as I thought, the more I began to think about Asia. Her kind smile, her beautiful personality, her gorgeous eyes. And of course, the fact that she was my friend gave me more than enough motivation to save her even quicker.

'Asia, I swear...Not matter what, I'M GOING TO SAVE YOU!' I mentally shout to myself, not caring about my surroundings anymore.

I continued running until the church in question came into view. And, to my surprise, there was nobody around. No trace of magical energy for hiding, nothing. On the out side anyways. I looked over and saw that the door was blown off it's hinges. I cautiously draw myself near it and peak inside the church building itself. And I'll be honest, it looked absolutely trashed. Broken statues, glass, the works, all over the place. As I looked at the rubble and remains of the used to be church, I quickly noticed the three I split from before entering the nearby forest.

"HEY GUYS!" I call out, quickly gaining their attention as I run towards them. "How'd it go for you three? Not to hard I hope. Everyone okay? No injuries?" I asked in multiude.

"Well, aside from the fact that we had to fight Freed again, no, no injueis, or other guards for that matter." Kiba replied.

"I see, that's good." I reply with a sigh of relief.

"Chances are they're all down there, preparing for this ceremony they've got goin' on." Koneko stated as she pointed over to the alter accross from all of us.

"So...How did things go on your end?" Kiba asked.

"Well..." I began to trial off into my own memories of the recent events that had transpired.



3rd Person POV

(Y/N) simply stayed still, looking back at the beauties who had caught him fighting three fallen angles by himself. '...Shit!' He thought.

"Well?" Rias starts speaking, causing (Y/N) to jump slightly. "Why are you here exactly?" She asks again, still using her normal tone of voice and claming smile.

'Oh...She's pissed. Hell hath no furry than a woman scorn.' (Y/N) thinks to himself as he shivers. 'Gotta think of something clever, and fast!' He thought as he began to think of a way to gety out of this whole mess before it go a hundred times worse.

"W-Well, if you must know, after you left the club room, I decided to go home and think...about things." He answered before causing Oblivion to disappear.

"I see..." She said, simply halfway believing my little fib.

Rias approached the three fallen angels who (Y/N) had been fighting and stood her ground in an assertive manner.

"And just who are you three? And what exactly are you doing to my servant?" She asked in a rather threatening tone.

"Well, if you must know, I-" Mittelt spoke.

"I'll try and make this quick." He then looked over towards the blonde gothic Lolita and pointed at her. "Allow me to introduce, Jailbait..."

"HEY!" Mittelt yelled furiously.

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