R&R Ch. 45: Caught in the Crosshairs

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Alistor Forest

3rd Person POV

The massive hunk of steel came down on the troupe of devils, (Y/N) quickly turned around and caught the blade with his hands, emanating a massive burst of wind that blew away everyone else.

(Y/N) continued to struggle under the constantly growing pressure of sheer force, nearly dropping to his knee. As he struggled to use every once of his remaining strength to resist this attempted fatal blow, he looked into his attackers' eyes.

Bustra's grey eyes were sharp and focused, gleaming with excitement, anticipation and confidence to match the mad smile on his face. That look in his eyes. There was no mistaking it. This man was set on killing.

Almost giving in to the sheer force of the assailant, (Y/N) released the sword and pushed himself away, leaving the sword to crash into the earth below.

A massive and long stretching plateau erupted on the other side, seeming to extend into the farthest reaches of the forest.

(Y/N) rolled on the ground until he stopped. Exhausted and drained of magical energy, he barely managed to stand on his own.

"Aw, what's wrong?" The horned man questioned as he readied his sword, slowly approaching the tired devil. "Is the DEMON TOO TIRED?!" He asked, lunging at the young man, only to be blocked by a quickly summoned Oath Maker, it's physical form fading slowly. "Well look at that. The Spawn of Sin can still fight. Now the question remains; How will you entertain me?" He grinned.

"What the hell is your problem?! I haven't done anything to you! What is this; Some kind of bounty you're wanting to collect?!" The devil-dragon hybrid groaned, pushing back against the opposing weapon.

"You don't get it, do you?" Bustra questioned.


"What you've done doesn't even cover the reasons why. It's just the beginning. The goal is to stop you from doing anymore DAMAGE!!!" He rose his sword and slashed it down with enough force to completely shatter Oath Maker's physical form, causing it to disappear.

(Y/N) slid back, launching himself forward with his foot to try and deliver a blow his attacker. Punch after punch, he continued to miss. Due to tiredness or exhaustion, the devil failed to land a blow as the man in white dodged each attack with ease.

"Hand to hand now?" Bustra asked, simply stepping away from each attack. "Pathetic..." He said, stopping the young devil in his tracks by holding his bastard sword to his neck. "Trust me kid, we're doing this whole reality a favor by offing you."

(Y/N) felt unsure of what to do, his body began to tense up.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Koneko screamed as she descended, delivering a side-kick to Bustra's head, only to be blocked by his arm with ease.

He smiled and grabbed the Rook's head, slamming her down into the ground. He quickly grabbed one of her legs and threw her at the plateau, creating a crater upon impact as Koneko coughed up blood, falling to the ground unconscious.

"KONEKO!!!" (Y/N) cried in horror.

"SWORD BIRTH!!!" Kiba shouted, piercing the ground with his sword, sending a wave of blades headed at the white haired man. "I'll riddle your body with holes, you bastard!!!" He declared.

The man in white grabbed his massive sword and unleashed a powerful slash attack, blasting away and destroying all of the oncoming blades and blasting the Knight away. "Save your breath kid."

"KIBA NO!!!"

"BASTARD!!!" Issei roared, unleashing his Balance Breaker.


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