R&R Ch. 43: ROAD TRIP!!!

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(Y/N)'s Home

3rd Person POV

"I'm home!" He announced, sitting down as he took off his shoes at the doorstep. Hearing steps behind him, he turned and was greeted with arms wrapping around his neck.

"Welcome back." Rias greeted, donned in a black silk robe with purple accents, she hugged her Pawn from behind, kissing his cheek.

"Hey Rias." He greeted back.

"How was your study session?" She asked.

(Y/N) immediately became nervous, a cold sweat hit him like a speeding truck. "It was okay for the most part. I managed to remember a majority of American History."

"Oh yeah?" Rias asked curiously. "And what's going on with America?"

"Well, to put it bluntly...they're fucked." He replied.

Rias choked before laughing. "Well, seeing how late it is I'm going to assume you haven't eaten anything yet."

"That would be correct." He replied. "I have not."

"Well, thankfully we've still got some leftovers from dinner earlier. Would you like some?" She asked as she rose up, extending a hand for her servant to take.

(Y/N) smiled and accepted the lift up. "I'd love some, thanks." He thanked as he was guided by the redhead as she continued to hold his hand on their way to the dinning room. "What was for dinner?"

"It was one of your recipes. The foil baked salmon." The King informed. "Asia was really looking forward to it."

"Well she's already an amazing cook. I'm sure it turned out great." He said in excitement.

Upon entering the living room, he noticed that Asia and Artoria were nowhere to be found. "Hey, where're the others?" He asked.

"Asia had a last minute request come in so she left a while ago and Artoria is taking a bath at the moment."

"Ah, gotcha." He accepted.

She leaned over and pecked his cheek before releasing him to gat his food. "Go ahead and grab a seat, I'll get your food for you."

"Oh, thanks." He thanked as he took a seat at the dinner table. As he sat he heard his phone ding, indicating a message. He pulled out his phone and saw who it was and what they said...

'Hey dill-weed, I finished working on the rest of the sheet music for the concert. Give 'em a look and let me know what's up when you can!'

(Y/N) chuckled at the message from his drummer Bakugo and sent a thank you message back before he began looking at the sheet music forms he sent.

"Here you go." Rias said, approaching the table with a tray of warm, freshly made and delicious looking food.

"Oh man!" (Y/N) cheered in excitement. "This looks awesome. Can't wait to try it!" He added.

"Well go right ahead." Rias smiled.

(Y/N) grabbed his eating utensils and clapped his hands. "Thanks for the food." He pulled the foil back and opened it to release a steaming, juicy, and intoxicating piece of foil-baked salmon. 'Oh boy, here we go!' He cheered to himself. He grabbed a bit of it and ate it. His entire body felt alive from the sudden burst of flavor from the fish. "Oh man, this is so good!" He praised. "Asia is getting better and better every day!" He added. "She'll make a wonderful wife one day, no doubt about that!" He said, taking another bite.

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