R&R Ch. 39: The God of Destruction

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(Y/N)'s Home

3rd Person POV

Opening her emerald green eyes, Chisato was instantly met by (Y/N)'s slumbering face. Smiling at how cute he looked, she poked his cheek and the young devil grumbled in reaction. She giggled and slowly rose up. She looked down and saw that the severe wound that (Y/N) had suffered in his last supernatural encounter had nearly healed completely. She looked over and saw Asia slumbering peacefully by the young man's side.

The blonde grabbed onto her guardian's arm tighter before resting her arm on his shoulder, intertwining her hand with his.

Chisato smiled at the adorable scene before her. 'Looks like the spell is working. All that's left is for them both to get some rest.' She confirmed, slowly raising up of her patient's bed and pulling up the covers before covering her hourglass-figured body in a robe before leaving the room and headed towards the kitchen for a glass of water. As Chisato drank, she looked out the window of (Y/N)'s living room. Feeling nearby presence behind her, she turned to find Rias. "Ms. Gremory, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, Ms. Hasegawa. I didn't expect to see you up." She admitted. "Sorry, I was just getting some water."

Chisato giggled. "Don't let me stop you." She smiled, gazing back out at the star filled sky.

"Can't sleep?" Rias asked, approaching the medical practitioner with a water filled glass of her own.

"Not really. Just wanted to rehydrate before I go back and finish the Healing Ritual." Chisato explained. "I'll admit, his ability to heal suddenly disappearing like it did certainly caught me off guard. It's never happened before. I'm having a hard time trying to think of a reason what might've caused this." She claimed.

"Well, the sorcerer we fought earlier today said that he had stolen some of (Y/N)'s power during the time he possessed him. Maybe he took most, if not all of his ability?" Rias guessed.

"I suppose it's possible. Anything can happen in this crazy world of ours." Chisato smiled as she continued to gaze up at the clear night sky. "You know, when (Y/N) was younger, he and I would always go out stargazing in nights like these. It always made him happy to see all the shining stars in the sky."

"Is that so?" Rias asked with a soft smile. "You really know a lot about him huh?"

"I suppose. I've known him since he was five years old. Nearly eleven whole years. Well, twelve in his case now." The nurse said, referring to (Y/N)'s age increase since entering The Rift. She gulped down the remains of her drink and gasped for air. "I should probably get back to bed. The process isn't quite done yet after all." She claimed as she put her mug into the sink.

"I understand. Thank you again for helping us. For helping him. I can't express how grateful I am." Rias bowed, watching the brunette take her leave.

Chisato turned around, a content smile on her face. "Of course. I'd do anything for him. And any friend of his is a friend of mine." She claimed before taking her leave. As she crept back into (Y/N)'s bed, she felt a familiar presence. Looking to the window, she simply hummed and laid back down, holding his head close to her chest as she continued the ritual. 'You need to rest now my dear. Your most difficult trial will soon be upon you.'

Time Skip

The bright light of the morning broke through the cracked shades of (Y/N)'s curtains, shining down on his face and onto his eyes. He fought to stay in his slumbering state but to no avail. He opened his dragonic eyes and looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand, seeing the time to be a quarter past six. He groaned and slowly rose up, not feeling any pain from the wound he had been inflicted from the previous night. He looked down and rubbed his abdomen gently, feeling no trace of the charred wound.

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