Ch. 4: Fight Back!

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3rd Person POV

The air was quiet, the wind was silent, the sky was abnormal as it changed and shifted multiple colors across, the land below was dark.

The winged girl and the young man stared at each other with killing intent in their eyes. Yuma, currently wielding a spear of light gripped on tighter, waiting patiently for the opportune moment to strike.

(Y/N) simply watched her as he held onto his white sword.

"How?" She asked.

(Y/N) simply raised an eyebrow in confusion. "To what are you" He asked in a taunting tone, a cocky smirk plastered across his face.

Yuma grew irritated at this new demeanor, giving an angered growl. "That!" She shouted as she pointed to his weapon. "How are you able to manifest something like that?! I didn't detect any magic potential from you the whole time!" She demanded an explanation.

"I honestly think a better question should be why?" He said in a dull tone as he gave Yuma a bored stare.


"But I'll answer your question I guess. I've trained so that I can suppress, or even straight-up hide my magic energy. Really nifty for sneaking around." He said as he twirled his sword from its handle.

"But if you're wondering how long I've been able to use Oath Maker, well...for about a couple years now." He suddenly gripped the handle tightly and placed his free hand on his hip.

"Whatever, you still won't be able to beat me human trash!" She used her black wings to fly to the sky, and hovered in midair as she prepared to attack the young man.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. With age comes experience Yuma. And despite how I look-" he got into his sword fighting stance. "I've got LOTS of experience."

Yuma snaps at (Y/N) as she charges at him, full speed. "WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!"

As soon as she was close enough to (Y/N)'s face, he bent back and flipped backward, kicking Yuma upwards from the jaw. When he landed back onto the ground, he repositioned himself and gripped his Oath Maker with both hands on the handle. When he was prepared, Yuma was gone. He surveyed the area around him, and instinctively knew that she was behind and above him. She threw her spear once more and (Y/N) blocked it like before. Sending it far away from him.

The two charged at each other and their weapons connected, making a loud clang, as well as a small boom of air to emits from the two. They continued to hack and slash at each other at extreme speeds, all the while staring at each other in the eyes. What (Y/N) saw was killing intent. And what Yuma saw was...nothing, nothing but her reflection in his eyes. With one last clash of their weapons, they stared at each other once more.

"Why?" She asked.

(Y/N) simply raised an eyebrow once again. "You really need to learn how to be more specific with your questions." He gave a cocky smirk.

"Why are you this strong and skilled? You're just a human!" She yelled in confusion and anger.

The two broke away from each other, and jumped back a few feet.

"Why thank you." He bowed like an actor on stage. "Next you're gonna say, 'Okay fine, better question. Why are you even fighting back? Humans are weak, frail and cowardly creatures.'." He said, poorly mimicking Raynares' voice.

"Okay fine, better question. Why are you even fighting back? Humans are weak, frail and cowardly creatures." She asked. She suddenly looked shocked at what he had said before was indeed what she had just said. "W-What the?! How did you-?!" The raven-winged spear wielder sputtered

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