Ch. 20: Dream of the Fallen King

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N) continued to walk back to his home, enjoying the beautiful night sky. As well as the peace and quite that came with it.

As he walked, his footsteps echoed through the streets, whereas all other living things were nowhere to be found. This eerie atmosphere didn't bother the young devil in the slightest. His thoughts were on a multitude of different subjects. For instance, what to make for dinner tonight. What movie would be good to watch tonight. If Kohaku enjoyed her tour of the city.

However, as many of these innocent thoughts rattled in his mind, he mainly thought about the many things Chisato had told him. About drawing a line and refusing to surrender, and what it was he needed to protect.

'I know what I need to protect!' He yelled to himself. 'It's Rias, Asia, Issei, and everyone else in my life...They're all I have.'

As his final thoughts vanished he finally arrived to his home. He walked to his front door and entered the key to unlock it. He turned it, releasing a familiar clicking sound, indicating it was now unlocked. He opened the door and entered his home.

"I'm back!" He cried to anyone who may or may not have been home.

He sat down and took of his shoes, only to put on his house slippers. As he stood back up, he heard the sound of soft pattering paws approached him. It sounded like it was coming from the living room. (Y/N) looked up and saw that the tiny footsteps were coming from Kohaku.

"Hey Kohaku." (Y/N) simply greeted with a gentle pat on the head.

"Hello Master, welcome back. How was your evening?" She asked.

"Eh, more of the same I guess." He stated.

The two began to make their way to the living room, (Y/N) would finally have a chance to relax.

"By the way Master, Lady Asia has been acting rather restless lately." Kohaku claimed. "She became so worried that she had to call someone."

"Call someone? Why? And who did she ca-" By the time the two arrived at living room, (Y/N) was met by a large collection of police officers, detectives and huge amounts of equipment all over the living room. Some of them sat by Asia trying to comfort her, which didn't seem to be working as she continued to cry her eyes out. "Uh...why is there law enforcement in our house?" He asked his familiar.

"You'll have to thank Lady Asia for that." Kohaku stated. "She got so worried when I told her that you were in danger, she eventually called the local authorities because no one knew where you were after the incident."

Asia slowly looked up and saw (Y/N) standing in the door way, completely fine. And all he did was wave. "(Y/N)...You're okay!" She cried before she began bawling and running into the boy's chest, hugging him as tightly as she possibly could.

"Woah!" He laughed in surprise, only to return the supposed hug. "Hello to you too As-" (Y/N) was immediately silenced with a loud and seemingly hard slap to his cheek. "Ow! What was that for?!" He asked, clearly surprised by how hard this blonde former sister could hit.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" She cried.

"What are you talking about?!" (Y/N) asked, clearly confused.

"I take it that you're (Y/N) (L/N)?" One of the police officers asked as he approached the young devil.

"Uh yes sir." (Y/N) confirmed.

"We'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind." The officer inquired as he pulled out a note pad and pen.

(Y/N) groaned loudly in his mind, but he complied regardless, just to get these people out of the house.

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