R&R Ch. 46: A Day with Divinity

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World of the Destroyer

3rd Person POV

Another day for the Destroyer God Beerus and his attendant Whis has arrived, with some rowdy company in addition.

Beerus sat in a lawn chair, relaxing as he waited for the instant ramen on the table to finish its three minute cooking cycle, all while listening to the massive booms and clashes from above from Whis and his students.

"Goku, remember what I told you, you need to focus more." Whis said, dodging a kick from the man with the wild black hair in the orange and blue gi, tapping his leg and sending him spiraling into the body of water below.

The other man, shorter in some form of blue battle attire charged at the attendant only to miss.

"And you Vegeta, you need to loosen up more." He said, tapping the man on the back and sending him plummeting down into the same body of water as the other one.

Their bodies floated up, groaning in pain and exhaustion.

"Man, today's training is really hard!" Goku whined.

"Damn...it..." Vegeta grimaced.

Beerus' ears twitched. Looking over to the table, he watched as the timer's last grain of sand fall. "Whis, it's ready!!" He called.

Who's chuckled. "Why don't we take a break and eat. We'll resume later."

Goku and Vegeta paddled out of the lake and dried off, taking a seat with their desired noodle cups.

"Thank you for the food!!" Everyone chanted and began eating.

"Man Whis, it's like no matter how hard we train we can't ever land a hit. You move too fast!" Goku claimed, slurping down a mouthful of noodles.

"If it makes you feel better, you're both getting better. Maybe someday you'll be able to best Beerus himself." Whis encouraged.

"Hey..." Beerus glared.

"Or maybe even that young man you fought you to a draw."

Goku and Vegeta spat out their food in total shock.

"Lord Beerus, surely he's joking!" Vegeta said doubtfully. "Someone fought you to a draw?!"

"Was it someone you've been training other than us Whis?" Goku asked.

"No, this was actually the son of an old acquaintance of ours." He informed.

"Though, That does get me to wonder..." Beerus said as he fell deep in thought. "Where did he learn to fight like that? I can only assume it was Starvlador."

"Starvlador?" The orange gi wearer looked to the G.O.D. "Who's that?"

"Starvlador is a Dragon. He is the Azure Dragon Emperor. Well, he was until he pasted the mantle onto his son." Whis explained.

"A dragon? You mean like Shenron?" Asked Goku.

"Do not compare that useless serpent to the True Dragon, Saiyan!" Beerus glared. "He is far more powerful that that pathetic wish granter. He has existed as long as the Omni King, and he's bested me more than once. While he's no Destroyer, he definitely has the power to be one. I'm positive he'd be capable of erasing an entire planet if he actually wanted to without even trying. And his protégé is growing stronger by the day. Becoming just as strong as he slowly realizes his potential."

Goku smiled, squealing utter delight as his body shivered with excitement. Chugging down the remains of his cupped noodles, springing up full of energy. "Oh man, this guy sounds awesome! I wanna meet him!"

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