FATE Ch. 74: Bloodfort Assault

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3rd Person POV

Kuoh Academy

(Y/N) and Altria walked the halls, heading to the library to collect her required reading materials.

However, in the middle of the hallway, a crowd of students from both Homurahara and Kuoh Academy blocked the way, all whispering and talking amongst themselves.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Altria asked, concerned.

"Don't know." Admited the Master. 'I don't smell any blood, so it doesn't seem like anyone was injured.' He pondered, trying to make his way through the crowd.

He spotted two familiar students and grabbed their attention. "Matsuda. Motohama. What's going on?"

The two boys turned around, still seeming a bit in edge. "Dude, we were just trying to go back to our classroom, but we're kinda scared to now." Motohama claimed.

"Okay...Why?" (Y/N) asked confused.

Matsuda pointed back to the cause.

(Y/N) tilted his head over and spotted Rin, standing in front of his classroom. "Rin? The hell's she want?"

"We'd like to ask her, but like I said, we're kinda scared. Especially with you saying she may've been the one behind that bomb attack, we'd rather NOT go near her."

"Shame too. She's such a baddie too! Man, why's the hot ones always gotta be crazy!! Why can't they just show that shit in the bedroom?!" Matsuda complained loudly, earning the ire of many students, mainly female.

(Y/N) looked towards the Master of Archer, noticing her glare and tapping finger. Her arms crossed and her back leaned against the support beam of the wall.

Altria peaked her head out from behind her Master, herself curious about the situation. "Isn't that your classroom, (Y/N)?"

"...Yup." He sulked. "How much you wanna bet she's here for me?"

"Knowing her, it's very likely." She admitted.

"Dude, you gotta go over there and talk to her. She's been there for nearly 15 minutes and she hasn't said a word to anyone. She's peeked into the classroom like ten times already. Now she's just...standing there. Menacingly. And it looks like she's getting angrier the more she's there." Motohama feared.

"And...none of you have tried talking to her? Just...asking her what she's doing there?" (Y/N) looked to the collection of students, only for many to shake their heads or shrug their shoulders. 'Why does it seem like I'm the only one in this school with a pair of balls?' He groaned, stepping out of the cluster of students, and continued walking through the hallway with Altria right behind him.

Rin spotted the approaching devil Master and Servant and immediately frowned at the former.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

Rin said nothing, keeping her upset scowl on her face. She turned on her heel and started walking toward the stairs on the other side of the hall. She looked behind her, her eyes telling the two to follow.

'Guess we're doing this now.' (Y/N) sighed, following the Tohsaka Mage.

The eyes and gossiping words of all the I'm looking students were abundant to say the least. Most were simply ignored.

"So...is there something you need me for or...?"

"It's lunch." She finally spoke. "So I figured I'd go to the roof and enjoy the nice weather."

"Uh huh...Well, good luck with that." He said, taking his leave with Altria.

Rin's face turned flustered red, with embarrassment and anger. "W-Wait a second, would ya?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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