NEW Ch. 50: Deal with the Church

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(Y/N)'s House

3rd Person POV

On the sofa in the living room, Tohru, Artoria, Kohaku, and (Y/N) sat in silence. Waiting for their guest for the evening to arrive.

"Master, are you alright?" Asked Artoria.

"You haven't said a word since you sat down." Kohaku added.

The young devil sat with his arm rested up on the back of the couch, his head hung back as he looked up at the ceiling. "I'm fine." He said.

A silver Gremory magic circle appeared before them, releasing stardust as Grayfia appeared through the light. "Greetings Azure Dragon Emperor." She greeted with a bow.

"Hey." He simply waved.

"Where are Rias and Miss Argento?" Grayfia questioned as she looked around the room.

(Y/N) simply sighed. "They found out I'm engaged. So they're mad. Now they won't talk to me." He informed, leaning forward, revealing a red hand mark on his face.

"I see." Grayfia said.

"But, on the plus side, they're sleeping in their own rooms for once! So hey, silver lining!" He cheered halfheartedly.

"I believe you've taken two steps forward and one step back, Sir (Y/N)."

He merely sighed in response. "Yeah...probably. But it's kinda progress...Right?"

"Again, two steps forward, one step back." Grayfia repeated.

(Y/N) slummped his head down. "Right..."

"Mister (L/N)..." Tohru leaned closer to her master as she whispered. "How do you know this woman?" She asked.

"She helped me get to Rias' Engagement Party after we lost the Rating Game with Riser Phenex. She even restored my eye and arm which were burnt out and cut off, so she's cool." He explained.

"Greetings. I am Grayfia Lucifuge. I am a maid in service to the Gremory Family."

"Hello. My name is Tohru. I am a maid in service of the (L/N) family." Tohru bowed back.

Grayfia hummed. "In truth, that's what I'm here about. To see if you're capable." She said.

The Dragon Girl looked confused, and somewhat offended. "What?"

"She's here to see train you. I don't know jack squat about maids, so she's here to see if you can actually do it." (Y/N) explained as he rose up from his seat. "Trust me, this was Rias' idea. I honestly don't really care. But, she's my master so I've gotta." He shrugged in defeat.

"Indeed. Lady Rias has informed me on the situation and had asked for my assistance on Sir (Y/N)'s behalf." The Ultimate Queen informed. "However, I do owe Sir (Y/N) a favor for saving my sister-in-law. So this is the least I could do."

"You did?" Tohru asked. "What'd you do?"

"I crashed the engagement party of a shit-spewing burnt piece of chickenshit. Turned him to cinder." He explained. "How is he, by the way?"

"Still recovering." Grayfia informed. "Still a smoldering cinder."

"Neat. Anywho, let's get this started, yeah?"

"Indeed. I shall begin the training immediately." She bowed to the young devil before turning to Tohru. "First, we'll start with what you've chosen as a uniform and why it's...incorrect."

"Great idea!" Tohru smiled, reaching into her apron and handed her master a flyer for a maid cafe. "Here you go."

(Y/N) and Grayfia analyzed the flyer, only to be confused and concerned.

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