Ch. 26: The Plea for Freedom

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Unknown Location

(Y/N)'s POV

The heavy sound of an organ echoed through the air, and aside from the music that sounded strangely similar to wedding music, I could hear the faint sound of crying from behind me. I turned around and saw Matsuda, Motohama and Issei crying their eyes out.

"Damn it! Ain't no way, bro!" Matsuda shouted hatefully.

"This has to be some kind of mistake." Motohama cried.

"I know I should be happy for you, but I can't but feel totally jealous, you lucky bastard!" Issei bawled.

I remained silent only to look at the three crying perverts, who were dressed in formal attire for some bizarre reason. "What are you dorks crying about?" I asked.

"'Cause it's your wedding day, man!" Issei cried.

"I told myself I wouldn't cry this time!" Motohama said, crying into his arm.

"My wedding? The hell you mean wedding? The fuck you on abo-" I look down and I jumped at the sudden sight of the neatly cut tuxedo I was wearing. "What the-?! Why am I in a tux?" Needless to say, I was both shocked and confused. I looked around and noticed that most of the darkness was gone, relieving a dimly lit chapel. Many people I knew and didn't know were in the aisle seats.

"Oh dear, I can't believe we finally get to see the day (Y/N) gets married!" Mrs. Hyoudou bawled as she wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.

"(Y/N)! We wanna see your kids the second you have them, okay?!" Mr. Hyoudou cheered proudly.

"NOT HELPING!!!" I shouted.

Seriously, what in the world is going on?!

"No more looking at other girls (Y/N). 'Kay?" Said a familiar voice.

I turned around and saw my master, Rias Gremory, wearing a beautiful wedding dress, holding a bouquet of flowers, smiling happily and standing right next to me. "Wait...what's happening?"

"It's the happiest day of my life. It's our wedding day darling." Rias smiled at me.

I'm not sure I heard her properly, maybe my mind's playing tricks on me. "WEDDING?! M-ME AND YOU?! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!" I boomed in shock.

"RIAS!!!" Multiple female voices cried out from behind.

"You're like, so fetch!" One of the girls complemented.

"But it's so not fair!" Another girl cried.

"I never even got a chance to ask him out yet!" Another one bawled.

"That should be me up there! Not her, damn it!" Another girl cursed.

'So...this it real? I'm marrying her?' I ask myself. 

As the pastor continued with his eulogy, I tried to process everything that was happening. 'This...This can't be really happening. Right? This has to be a dream or something! Right!?' I looked over to Rias and she looked the happiest I've ever seen her. 'Well, I mean...she does look really happy. And...It's not like I don't have a bit of a crush on her. But she's my master! Of course I'd care about her! It's my job!!' My internal panic attack was suddenly stopped when I heard the pastor finish.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said.

I turned towards Rias, only to see her close her eyes and lean towards me, ready to accept a kiss. 'Wait what?! I get to kiss her?!' I ask, staring at her sweet, gentle and beautiful lips. 'M-Maybe I should...I mean...What's a guy to lose, right?' I gently grabbed Rias's shoulders, bringing the both of us closer to each other. With each passing moment, our lips grew closer and closer. In the final moments, I could feel her gentle breath on my lips...

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