R&R Ch. 41: Guardian's Embrace

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Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

Issei stretched wide, yawning loudly and leaning back in his chair until he began to tip over, only to be caught by his best friend from behind. "Thanks." He said. "Dude please tell me that I wasn't the only one who thought last class was so boring. I kept dozing off throughout the whole lecture!"

"You can't do that, man." (Y/N) lightly scolded. "Though I do get what you're talking about. Mr. Yamashiro's voice is so monotone. Makes it really hard to stay conscious and pay attention."

"Ya got that right." The brunette agreed, leaning back with his arms behind his head.

"Actually, now that I think about it, didn't he just kinda show up outta nowhere?" The curious Dragon Emperor pondered.

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it, it is kinda weird. He just showed up early last year and that's about it." Issei replied.

"Yo, didn't he teach the drama classes?" Matsuda questioned.

"He did, but he scared so many of the students they pulled him out." Motohama explained, shifting his glasses.

"Wait, doesn't that mean he doesn't even have a class to teach?" The brunette asked.

Matsuda chuckled. "Maybe the other teachers are just scared of 'em so much they can't fire 'em."

"Then how would you explain the fact that he teaches some of our classes?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Maybe they just have him do it just to give 'em somethin' to do." Issei suggested.

"Maybe..." The Azure Dragon Emperor leaned back in his seat, glancing over to the shaved-headed young man. "Hey Matsuda, doesn't he live up at your family temple?" He asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, he does. But he kinda just keeps to himself most of the time, so nobody really talks to 'em." He explained.

"Huh, that right?" (Y/N) pondered. He glanced at the classroom clock, only to see that it was almost time for his check up with Chisato for the week. 'Oh shit, I should get going.' He rose up from his seat and proceeded to leave.

"Yo, where you goin'?" Matsuda questioned.

"Got my appointment with Ms. Hasegawa today." He explained.

"Man, you so lucky you son bitch!" Matsuda cursed.

"I'm so friggin' jealous I can't even see straight!" Motohama cried.

"Dude, you have no idea how much a dream come true it is to be so close to such a babe for so long!" Issei declared.

"Whatever you say, pervoes." (Y/N) said before taking his leave.

Nurse's Office

"Pardon me." (Y/N) announced as he walked into the infirmary, but was met with no answer. "Huh...Chisato? Are you in here?" The Azure Dragon asks to make sure his physician was in the room.

"Is that you, (Y/N)?" Chisato's asked, her voice holding a slight hit of relief.

"Yeah hey! I came for the weekly checkup." (Y/N) replied.

"You came at the perfect time. Sorry, but could you come over here?" Chisato beckoned, her tone sounded rather begging.

(Y/N) looked to the closed curtain, assuming her to be behind it. "Uh, yeah sure. Excuse me." (Y/N) pulled back the curtain and immediately blushed intensely when he sees her current state.

She was dressed her lab coat, but also in a one-piece zip-up swimsuit and it greatly complimented her voluptuous, hourglass figure. The green lines complemented the outlines of her marvelous assets perfectly.

Azure Dragon Emperor: High School DxD X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now