NEW Ch. 57: Go, Occult Research Club!!

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Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

Issei opened his brown eyes, followed by a sharp and deep falling onto his back. He heaving dry and heavy gasps to catch his breath and regain his bearings.

"Issei?!" The others called to him.

The brunette rubbed his hands against his face as he pondered. 'Did-Did it work? Did I really go to Purgatory? It felt like a dream. So damn surreal-" he looked to his left arm, touching it and feeling his own touch through his crimson red claw. He chuckled darkly, remembering having offered his arm to Ddraig for more power. 'So it was real.' He acknowledged, sitting back up. "How long was I out?" He asked.

The others looked at him and each other confused.

"Like...less than half a minute?" Akeno guessed.

"Really? That long?" He asked surprised. "Felt like hours." He mumbled.

"What did?" Asia asked.

Issei looked to the blonde Bishop, unsure how to answer her. He quickly looked up and saw the Fallen Angel General still sitting on his throw, seemingly waiting as he said he would before he left. He shook his head and focused. "Later. How's (Y/N)?" He asked.

"After you did whatever you did, his Sacred Gear started to regain its shape and color. Any sign of decaying completely disappeared." Rias informed.

(Y/N)'s eyes flickered, slowly opening as he awoke from his mental entrapping coma. "I feel like ass..." He groaned.

"(Y/N)!!!" Everyone yelled, smiling with utter joy at their friend's return. Some even crushed him in a collective hug.

"Hey...guys..." He gasped for air.

"We were so worried!!" Asia cried. "When we got here, we thought-we thought..." She shuttered remembering the condition they found him in upon arriving.

"We saw your Sacred Gear decaying and you wouldn't wake up, we were so scared."

(Y/N) looked to the one holding onto him, a look of regret on his face slowly formed. "Sorry guys. I let my anger get the better of me. Now..." He looked up and saw Kokabiel in his new transformation. "We're in for one hell of an uphill fight."

"Glad you're back, (Y/N)." Kiba looked back, smiling at his friend.

"Someone took their sweet time waking up." Xenovia teased.

"How're you feeling?" Asked Akeno.

(Y/N) rose his hand, trying to squeeze it tightly and ignite it with his emerald and ebony flames, but to no avail. "Well, physically I'm fine. But my magic's completely tapped."

"I gotchu fam!" Issei chimed, tapping his friend on his shoulder and giving him whatever energy he could manage. "Boosted Gear: Gift!"


(Y/N) felt the small amount of magical energy flow into his body. While it wasn't much, he was still able to use magic again.

"How's that?" Issei asked, falling to his rear in exhaustion. "Got enough in ya now?"

"Well..." The young devil extended his hand, summoning Oath Maker into being. "I'm able to summon one of my swords. And maybe enough for a few spells. But I've got to play it smart." He said. "I think I have an idea."

"OH, GOD!!! THIS IS GETTING BORING!!!" Whine Kokabiel from atop his floating throne.

The devils looked up and watched as he slowly descended towards the ground.

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