Chapter 1

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"Get up Camilla" I heard a voice. I opened my eyes and when my eyes adjusted to the light coming from his wand I saw my brother, Nathan. I got up and winced as the pain hit from the beating I received last night. "Are you ok?" he asked in a soft voice. I nodded. "Get dressed, Father has news. He wants to see us." Nate said. Then he shut my door. I heard the lock click and footsteps. My brother and I have very different lives. We didn't always though. Nate and I used to imagine how we would escape to freedom and fight for good against our father and his forces. But as time passed, the light inside us was beaten down. My brother gave up and is now an apprentice to the Death Eaters. He is trained, and schooled by Death Eaters, he hasn't taken the mark yet but he will soon. Because of this, Nate is allowed more freedom and magic. He gets to keep his wand, he gets a real bedroom, and he can go wherever he wants whenever he wants to. Not me though. I mostly just do chores, practice magic when I can and am allowed and I am the death eaters personal punching bag. I have seen more death and pain than anyone should see in 5 lifetimes. I think that's why I am so against my fathers ways. I would rather die than take the mark and follow in his footsteps. Death is what will most likely happen if I refuse the mark unless I can escape. One day I will, Maybe.

I quickly put on a dress and a sweater and put my hair in a braid. Then I put on my shoes and went downstairs. Sitting in the dining room, at a long table were the most important Death Eaters. At the head of the table, was my father. My brother stood at the opposite end of the table holding a young man in shackles. He looked terrified. "Camilla, so good you could join us." my father said. I stopped in my tracks. I looked at Nate but he had an empty look on his face. "You and Nathan will be going to Hogwarts this year." my father said. My heart swelled and I smiled for the first time in forever. "Really, oh thank you father. I won't disappoint you. I will get the best grades." I started but he cut me off. "Ah Ah Ah. No. You have a task. This year Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament. You two have one job. Make sure Harry Potter survives until the last task." he said. My face fell. I should have known there was a catch. It has been my dream to go to Hogwarts, this is my escape. But is it worth it if I'm going to have to play a part in the death of Harry Potter. Unless I use it to my advantage. I could make sure he doesn't go to the last task and keep him safe.- Suddenly, my entire body was on fire. It felt like hot knives were piercing into my skin one by one. I screamed until I felt like my vocal cords might tear. It was the cruciatus curse. My Father is skilled in legilimency so he must have read my mind. This isn't the first time my father has used it on me but I will never get used to the overwhelming pain. Then it faded. I was curled up in a ball on the floor shaking coated in sweat. Nate stared at me trying to look calm but his eyes full of sadness. "Camilla, let me be clear. If I send you to Hogwarts, and you make any attempt to derail my plan or warn anyone, whether it's staff or Harry Potter, I will know. Let me tell you what will happen. I will make you watch as I torture your brother then you will watch me kill him. Then I will torture you until you beg for death and maybe I will oblige and maybe I wont. Are we clear?" he asked. I blinked back tears as I nodded. "Now for our guest, this is Elijah Carter, a filthy half blood. If you two are going to this school without suspicion, you need a convincing backstory. Something compelling, inspiring. Something that will make Harry Potter want to be your friend. Something like your father being killed by death eaters." he said and motioned to Nate. He dragged the man forward and threw him on the table. "Leviosa" he said pointing his wand and the man was lifted in the air. "Well done," Voldermort said. "Now you two, this man was your father. Then he was killed. Now you go to Hogwarts got it?" he asked. Nate just nodded. "Father please. You don't need to kill him. We can just use his last name or even make up a new one" I pleaded. "Avada Kedavra" he yelled. A flash of green light hit the man and his body landed on the table. I flinched at the sound. An innocent man dead and for what. I wiped the tears from my eyes. "You're a monster," I said. "Yes I am" he said with a smirk. Two death eaters grabbed my arms and dragged me back to the dungeon where I slept. They threw me on the ground and after a few punches and kicks they left. I laid on the floor shivering for a while until I heard the gate creaking. I crawled into the corner and pressed myself against a wall. "Camilla, it's just me" Nathan whispered. "And that's supposed to make me feel better." I said. "Cam," he said, kneeling in front of me. "You can't be nice to me Nate you are one of them." I said looking at the floor. "Maybe, but no matter how far I go, I will always try to protect you," he said, wiping a bit of blood from my cheek. "I don't want to go to Hogwarts and help him kill Harry Potter. I won't do it. You can be one of them for survival but I would rather die." I said. "Cam, don't say that. Please. Let's just go to Hogwarts and I will do everything. You just be a kid" he said. "I'm not going to make you do this alone. Plus, You are only 11 minutes older than me," I said, smirking. He laughed for the first time in a long time.

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