Chapter 135

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I stood there for a while, just looking at him. I was thinking of all the things we could never do together. We could never have a house, we'll never have a Christmas or a birthday celebration together, he could never walk me down the aisle, all the things a family does, I just lost.

Harry just held me. "We're gonna be ok," he whispered. I just nodded. Then I heard it. My fathers voice took over my mind. It was like legilimency but worse. I dropped to my knees. So did Hermione, Ron and Harry. We all heard his message. "Confront your fate. If you do not, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to protect you, starting with Camilla," he spoke. Then it ended. Harry and I looked at eachother. "You aren't dying for me," I said. "You aren't dying for me either!" he exclaimed. "Guys! We need to find our friends," Ron said. "What about Draco?" I asked. "We have time, we can find him now," Hermione replied. Harry pulled out the map and we searched for him. Then I saw his name. "Here!" I said. I pointed to the map and we began to run. I ran as fast as I could until we reached the door. It was locked and I shook the handle. "Cam, calm down," Harry said. "Alohomora," Hermione said, and it opened. I ran inside and when I saw him strapped down to a chair, I froze. I was so happy to see him. So happy.

"Draco!" I exclaimed. I hugged him and he didn't move. I held his face and looked at him. His eyes were open but there was nothing there. There was blood seeping from his nose, his ears and even some on his chin. I held his face and pulled him to look at me. "Draco, I'm here! It's ok!" I said with a smile. Hermione, Ron and Harry stood there, they exchanged concerned looks. "Somethings wrong, he's breathing. Why isn't he moving or saying anything? Why won't he look at me?" I said. My breath was shaky and I tried to pull his head to face me but his whole body was limp and his eyes were dead. "Hermione, run a diagnostic," Harry said in a low voice. She nodded and the blue light began to glow. "Draco, look at me. Please, I'm here." I said. Tears filled my eyes as my heart began to race. Hermione looked at Harry with sorrow and shook her head. "What? What's going on? Tell me!" I yelled. Hermione stepped closer and looked at me. "He suffered a brain trauma. It was likely a result of the use of the cruciatus curse." she said. Tears fell to my cheeks. "What does that mean?" I said. "He's still alive but the areas of his brain responsible for voluntary movement have been destroyed. I'm so sorry," she said. I shook my head. "Draco, Draco, please" I begged. I held his head against my chest and choked back a sob. "Draco, you're fine!" I yelled. I moved the hair from his face and wiped a tear that was sliding down the side of his cheek. "Look at me, hey! Hi, you're ok," I cried. I held his face and looked at him. The light had gone from his eyes. "Say something!" I screamed. "Cam, you have to let him go." Harry said. I just looked at Draco. "Please, I know you're in there. Just say something!" I yelled. There was nothing. I hugged him and stroked his hair. "I need you," I cried as I held him. I held his blonde hair and kissed him one last time. "Please, say something to me." I begged. But he couldn't. I hugged him until I couldn't anymore. "Should we bring him with the others?" Ron asked. I stood up and shook my head. "No." I said. They all looked at me. "He wouldn't want this. This life. Being stuck in his mind for the rest of his life. He won't want this," I said. Harry held my shoulders and looked at me. "What are you saying?" he asked. I drew my wand and all their eyes fell on it. "No, Cam. You can't." Hermione said. I just shook my head and faced Draco. I placed my wand on his chest and looked into his empty eyes. "It's ok, Draco. I'm going to make it all better. Ok?" I said. I took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Think of a good memory, a happy memory. And your star, the one you showed me. The dragon constellation in the sky, it's going to protect you and keep you safe just like it kept me safe all this time. You're going to be ok, I love you so much. I love you and I'll never forget you." I said. They all stared at me in shock as I pressed my wand to his heart. I exhaled a shaky breath. "Cam, you don't have to do this, we can-" Harry started. "Avada Kedavra-" I said quickly. The green light flashed and it hit his body. It was quiet for just a moment and I stood frozen as I stared at him. "Draco," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Then I saw the blue light of Hermione's diagnostic and she spoke. "He's dead," she said quietly. I dropped to my knees and all I could do was scream.


After that green light flash, I couldn't believe it. Camilla dropped to her knees and screamed. All I could do was hold her shaking, sobbing body in my arms as she said his name over and over. But it was over. He was gone. Malfoy was never my friend, but he protected Camilla and she loved him. So when tears fell to my cheeks too, I didn't know if it was for her grief or mine.

Eventually, her body stopped shaking and she was still. But when she went completely silent, I was worried. "Camilla?" I said gently. I knelt in front of her and she looked at the ground. She took a breath, wiped her tears and stood up slowly. When she got to her feet, I looked at her. But I didn't recognize the look in her eyes. "Cam, are you ok?" Hermione asked quietly. She didn't speak. Then she looked at Draco one last time and started to leave. "Cam, wait!" I said. I ran over and stood in front of the door and she stopped. "Where are you going?" I asked. She looked at me with a blank look on her face. "To kill Nathan," she spoke with no emotion. Then she pushed past me and began to walk. Hermione and Ron looked at me with concern and we followed her. "Camilla, that's not a good idea," I said. "He's dangerous," Ron added. "Just come back to the Great Hall. We need to find our friends," Hermione said. She looked at me one time and sadness flashed in her eyes. "I love you, Harry." she said. Then she apparated away.

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