Chapter 121

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They threw me in my cell again after my daily session of torture. It's been a month of this hell and I don't see an end. I'm glad I said goodbye to Harry because I'm going to die here.

I was sleeping when the doors to my cell opened. Nathan walked in with his wand drawn. "Please, Nathan. No more- It hurts-" I said. He scoffed. "Get up, you have business," he said. I clutched my broken ribs as I stood up. He walked behind me and pulled my wrists together. He waved his wand and heavy chains appeared and chained them behind my back. "Let's go-" he said and we walked upstairs. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Shut up!" he snapped. I stopped in my tracks. "Tell me where we are going!" I yelled. He glared at me. "He is refusing to do anything more until he has proof of life." Nathan said. "Who?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. Then I was sucked into the apparition. We landed outside and I immediately knew where we were. "Malfoy Manor?" I said quietly. He dragged me to the door and we went inside. He dragged me upstairs and put me in a bedroom. He took off the chains and started to leave. "What's going on?" I asked. "Stay here." he said and the door shut and locked. I looked around and that was when I realized it. I was in Draco's bedroom. I looked around. He had a copy of The Great Gatsby on his bedside table. I just stood there and smiled. Then the door opened and I saw Nathan. "You get one hour." he said sharply. "For what?" I asked. Then I saw him...

 Then I saw him

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Draco. Nathan pushed him inside and shut the door. I just stood there. He wasn't real. This was my mind playing tricks again. Just like with Cedric. "Camilla-" he said quietly. I shook my head. "You aren't real. This is my mind. Messing with me, just like with Cedric. You aren't real." I said. "Camilla, please-" he started and he stepped forward. "Go away." I said, shaking my head and closing my eyes. "Camilla, I'm real." he said as he took another step closer. "No!" I yelled and I stepped back. He walked over to me slowly and I felt his cold hand grab my wrist. He lifted it up and placed it on his chest. I felt his heartbeat and I pulled it away and stepped back. Tears fell to my cheeks and I stared at him. "Draco?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. He gave a small smile and nodded. "But- but I watched you die. I held your body. You were dead- you- you died." I said. "Snape saved me," he said. "Your heart stopped. I know it did because it got my memories back." I said. "What?" he exclaimed. "When your heart stopped beating, it triggered something and I got all the memories of us back. You said your star-" I started. "It would protect you, and it did. It brought you back to me." he said. "I grieved you. I cried for you. I tortured my brother for you." I said. "I know. And I'm sorry. They wouldn't let me see you. I tried, trust me. I did." he said. "I thought you were gone." I said as my voice cracked. "But I'm not," he said. Then he wrapped his arms around me. "No- no- no- you died. This can't be real." I cried. I tried to pull away but he just held me. He stroked my hair and held me. "Shhh, it's ok. Just breathe." he said. I inhaled and he smelled like green apples and citrus. Like always. I gripped his shirt and cried. "Don't leave," I said. "I won't," he replied. "Do you promise?" I asked. "I promise," he said.


When I walked into the room, I'll never forget the look on her face. It was the same look on her face as when she found out that Cedric was dead. That she had lost her mind and he wasn't real. She thought I wasn't real. She thought I was dead. And technically, I was. For 13 hours and 7 minutes my heart stopped beating. I only survived because Snape seperated my mind into my subconscious until I healed. Then I woke up. I died and I came back. "Don't leave," she said in a quiet voice. "I won't," I replied. "Do you promise?" she asked. I smiled. "I promise." I said. She nodded and hugged me again. Then I stepped back and held her face. I looked at her face and body and it looked as if she had died too. She had a swollen black eye, dried blood all over her face, cuts, bruises, a dark handprint on her neck from someone choking her. As I scanned her body, I saw a map of scars and cuts and burns and bruises but then I saw it. The one thing that made me the most sick to my stomach. The blood on her thighs. She looked at me and saw where my eyes were and pulled away. "Draco, it's noth-" she started. "How many?" I asked. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. She just looked down. "Camilla, how many?" I asked. She finally looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I lost count," she said quietly. I pulled her back into my arms and her cries were quiet. When is she going to be free?

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