Chapter 38

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"Bloody Hell" Ron sighed. I stared at them, frozen. "What are you doing here?" Harry snapped. I stared at my feet. "I didn't want to come back, I didn't have a choice." I said quietly. He laughed. "Oh did your father send you here to try to kill him again.?" Ron asked. "No, I- I didn't want-" I started. "You know what, just shut up. I don't want to hear anymore of your lies. Just stay away from us." Harry said. I nodded. They sat down and the carriage pulled us all the way to Hogwarts in silence. I got off and started to walk inside. "Find another dorm to sleep in. I don't trust you sleeping in the same room as my sister and Mione." Ron said as he pushed past me. I sat at the very back of Gryffindor table and didn't eat anything. People just stared and whispered. There was this new teacher, Professor Umbridge. She wore all pink and was creepy. But then again, I'm a death eater, I can't really talk about creepy. I got to Gryffindor house and when I walked in, Seamus and Harry were arguing about whether Voldemort was really back. Harry laid eyes on me and I stood there. "Why don't you ask Camilla?" he yelled. Everyone turned to look at me. "Like we'd believe a word she says." Seamus said. "Well then believe me." he said. Seamus scoffed and Harry stormed off. I walked through the common room and checked all the dorms. They were all full. I took my trunk and dragged it to the storage closet down the hall. It was tiny but just big enough for my trunk. I pushed it inside and shut the door. I laid some blankets on the floor and a pillow. Then I sat there and tried to put my book back together. After some tape and a little magic, I was ok-ish. I changed into pajamas and silenced the room. I locked the door and laid down. It's going to be a long year.

The next morning I heard the clock chime. I opened my eyes and checked my watch. It was already 7 and breakfast was at 8. I quickly changed into my uniform and conjured a mirror. I did my best but I still looked like I cried all night. I put my robe on and tucked my wand in the pocket. I grabbed my bag with my books and left my storage closet. I locked the door and just prayed nobody went in there. I headed for The Great Hall and when I walked in, immediately all eyes fell on me. Nathan walked by me and his sleeves were rolled up revealing his dark mark. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "What are you doing?" I whispered. "Oh like they don't know." he said. "Someone died Nathan, can't you show a little respect." I said. "People fear us Camilla, enjoy it." he said smugly. He walked over to the Slytherin table and they all worshipped him. I went to the Gryffindor table and sat down. I tried to eat but I ended up just staring at my food. I knew I wasn't going to eat so I stood up to leave. I walked towards the door and suddenly someone poured pumpkin juice on my white button up. I looked up and Evan stood there. I tried to walk past him but he pushed me back. "Where are you going?" he snapped. "Please just leave me alone." I said quietly. Everyone was watching. He grabbed my shoulder and stepped closer to me, leaning in. "I told you you're going to regret ever coming back here. I'm going to make you wish you were dead." he whispered in my ear, gripping the roots of my hair. I winced and he pushed me to the floor. I stood up and walked out. I went to the abandoned bathroom and walked over to the sink. I tried to scrub the juice out of my shirt. Then the door opened and I heard footsteps. "Evan, please just leave me be." I said. "That was hilarious." I turned around and saw Nathan, Draco, and Blaise standing there. Draco still looked furious at me. "Ya, I'm glad you're amused." I said. "You know I'm sensing some tension between our lovers here, aren't you Blaise?" he said. "Definitely." he replied. "He's not my lover." I said. "Oh, did he find out about this summer?" Nathan said. Draco looked up at me quickly. My face fell. "Don't." I said. "He doesn't know. Interesting." Nathan said. "What happened this summer?" Draco asked. "Nothing." I said. Nathan laughed. "Why are you lying to him?" Nathan asked. I shook my head. "Please Nathan, don't do this." I said. "What happened?" Draco asked. "She got fucked by 3 death eaters. Really enjoyed it too." he said smugly. Draco's face dropped. His eyes went dark. "Draco I-" I started. "So that's what it was huh?" he yelled. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall. Blaise and Nthan watched in amusement. "No-" i started. "You fucked daddy's friends and became a death eater and suddenly you're too good for me?" he asked. "No, that's not what happened," I said. He scoffed. "You're right, this can't happen. You know are just like your father." he said. His words cut deeper than a knife. He let go and stormed out. Nathan clapped and a tear fell down my cheek. "That really was entertaining. Almost as funny as you getting dunked in pumpkin juice." he said. "Go to hell" I said. "Been there, done that." he said. Then he and Blaise strolled out and I slumped against the wall. I'm sorry Draco.

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