Chapter 76

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"Cam, wake up" a voice whispered. I opened my eyes and my head was still on Harry. Everyone was buzzing around the common room getting ready to leave. "We have to get going. Train leaves in 2 hours." Hermione said. Harry and I stood up and nodded. "I should get back to Professor Snape's quarters to get my stuff." I said. "I'll come with you." Harry said. I smiled and shook my head. 'It's alright. You have to get ready." I said. "Cam, what about-" Ginny started. "It's ok. Besides, none of you could get in anyway. There are tons of wards and passwords." I said. They all nodded of defeat. "I'll meet you on the train, ok?" I said. "Ok." Harry said. I hugged them and headed down to Snape's quarters. I spoke the password and went inside. Snape was sitting at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea when I walked in. He looked up at me with sorrow.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. He shook his head. "Don't do this, Camilla." he said. "I told Dumbledore-" I started. "I know you want to prove yourself but you don't have to. Nobody doubts you anymore, And those that do, don't matter. You have nothing to prove" he said. "I want to help." I said. He sighed. "Camilla, that's not your job." he said. "It's not Harry's job either. But he risks everything, all the time to save us. I want to do something good." I said. "Don't do this." he repeated, his eyes pleading. "Sir, please-" I started. "You can change your mind. I can go tell Dumbledore right now. You can come home with me. You can stay with me and Diana. It'll be fine." he said. I shook my head. "I can't." I said. He sighed. "What about Nathan? He can't go home all by himself. What if my father hurts him?" I said. Snape scoffed. "So this is about Nathan too?" he asked. I gave a small nod. "After everything he's done to you, how could you possibly care what happens to him?" he asked. "He's still my brother." I said. He just stared at his tea. "Say something Sir. Please." I said. He looked back up at me with a calculating look. "You should go get changed. The train leaves soon." he said calmly. I just nodded and left.

I went into my room and put on a dress that Ginny got me for christmas with a sweater.

I went into my room and put on a dress that Ginny got me for christmas with a sweater

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Then I finished packing and brought my trunk out

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Then I finished packing and brought my trunk out. I left it by the door and went back into the kitchen. "I'm leaving now." I said. Snape didn't even look at me. "Very well," he said quietly. "I'm sorry Sir. Please don't be angry." I said. "I'm not angry Camilla, I'm worried." he said. I just nodded. "I might not see you again so tell me goodbye." I said. He looked up at me. "Please, Say it. Say it or you'll regret that you didn't." I said. He stared at me with sadness. "Please." I whispered. He stood up and I looked at him. "Goodbye Camilla." he said. I gave a small smile and nodded. Then I hugged him. He was stiff and just placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You were right. You are the closest thing I have to a real father." I whispered. Then I stepped back. "Goodbye Professor." I said. Then I took my trunk and walked out. I didn't look back because I know if I did, I would cry. And I didn't want to. So I just walked to the train in silence.

After I put my trunk away, I got on the train. I found Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny all sitting together. I walked in and sat next to Harry. It was quiet. "Are you sure you have to-" Ron started. "Yes." I said. They all looked so sad. "It's ok guys. I'll be fine. I swear." I said. "Camilla, we know what they do to you." Ginny said. "No, listen. I talked to Nathan. He said that father said if I came home and just did the housework, he wouldn't do that stuff." I said. Their faces lit up. "Really!" Hermione exclaimed. "They won't hurt you?" Harry asked. I shook my head. It hurt lying but I didn't want to spend what could very well be my last time with them silent or talking about how awful it will be. I wanted us to be happy, even if it was just for the train ride. I just wanted one last moment of happiness. The calm before the storm. "Yeah, it's mad right. I just have to cook and clean and I'll be fine." I said. They were all so happy. They spent the rest of the ride talking and joking and laughing. Then the train stopped. We all grabbed our stuff and went to the Platform.

I gave them all hugs and when I hugged Harry, I slipped a note in his back pocket. "I love you guys, I'll see you next year." I said. They all smiled and said goodbye. "Camilla, get over here!" I looked up and Nathan was standing across the way. "Goodbye." I said,and my voice cracked. I hugged Harry one last time and turned around and walked over to Nathan. Before I could look back, Nathan grabbed my hand and apparated. We landed outside Riddle Manor and he looked at me with a cruel smile.
"Welcome home Camilla" he said darkly.


I watched her apparate away and I exhaled a shaky breath. It was comforting to know that although she's not with us, at least she won't be hurt. Only 3 months until we can see her again.

Later that night...

We just finished dinner at The Burrow and now we are all sitting in the living room having hot chocolate. "So, quidditch game tomorrow?" Ginny asked. "Yeah!" Ron exclaimed. We all agreed and started to plan. "Hey Harry, what's that paper sticking out of your back pocket?" Hermione asked. I looked behind me and pulled it out. I immediately recognized the handwriting. It was the same handwriting as on the notes that were left for me during the Triwizard tournament. Camilla.

"It's from Camilla." I said. They all exchanged confused looks. "Read it." Ginny said. I nodded.

Dear Harry,
I'm sorry I lied to everyone. I wanted what could be the last of our time together to be fun. I knew you would all spend it trying to convince me to go with you, or spend it scared for me. I just wanted us to be normal kids on a train. Not kids in danger, in a war, fighting for our lives. Even if it was just for an hour or two. I'm going to be honest with you. I might not survive the next three months.

I'm not scared to die. And I don't want you to be sad. I want you to know that you guys made my life greater than it ever was. I lived longer and better than I ever thought and that is thanks to you. I never thought I would have friends. But you guys are more than that. You're my family. I love you. Just know in my last moments, I won't be afraid, I'll be remembering our time together. And when I'm gone, I'll finally be at peace. Thank you for being my family. I'm sorry.

P.S. I know you won't want to do this but if I die, please tell Draco I loved him. Tell him I died loving him. Tell him I want he was my last love but I don't want to be his. He deserves to be happy. Please tell him. And tell Professor Snape that he made a really good father. Tell him I said thank you.

Camilla Riddle

"God damn it, Camilla." I mumbled. I looked up and Hermione was crying. "She's going to die there." she said. her voice was shaky. "She isn't. She's strong. She'll make it." I said. Ginny stood up quickly. "Are you that dense!" she yelled. We all looked at her. "3 months. She won't survive 3 months. She is going to die there. Alone, and scared and in pain. I don't care how strong she is, she shouldn't have to do this." Ginny yelled. "Gin, calm down." Fred said. "No! Aren't you all angry?" she asked. "What?" George asked. "She lied to us! She lied to us so we wouldn't stop her. Or save her. Now she's going to die and we have to live without her. It's selfish. Why wouldn't she let us help?" she asked. "She just wanted to protect us, Ginny." Ron said. "I don't care. I wanted to protect her." she said. Then she stormed off. God damn it Camilla, what did you do?

The following chapters are going to be really dark and violent and graphic. Trigger warnings include; physical torture, psychological torture, blood, rape, abuse, etc. If you aren't comfortable with that, please don't read. Thank you for your support! Enjoy.

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