Chapter 105

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I haven't spoken to anyone in a week. My friends still haven't given up. They come up to me time and time again. I try to ignore them and when they corner me and I have to speak, I just apologize. The worst part is Nathan. He watches it all happen with a smile on his face. He won. He won and he knows it. He took Cedric, he took Draco and now he took Harry and the rest of my friends. I've lost everything. The second this war ends and I can stop fighting, I'm leaving. I'm going to go as far away as possible where nobody will ever find me. Not my brother, not Harry, not even Professor Snape. I want nothing to do with this hell anymore. I'm done.

"That's all for today. Well done class." Professor McGongall said. We all began to leave and I walked out as quickly as I could. "Cam!" Harry called. I heard him chasing after me so I walked faster. "Camilla!" he called. He ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder. "Please, just- just please stop this." he begged. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. "Stop saying that!" he yelled. I flinched slightly and stepped back. "You aren't sorry. If you were, you would stop this. You would stop ignoring me and pretending that I don't exist, pretending that you can't love me." he said. "Harry, please-" I said. "No! I need you." he said. "You don't. You're better off without me." I said. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't do this," he said. I froze and looked at him. I just nodded slowly. "Then I guess I don't love you." I said. His face dropped and I walked away before he could speak again. My vision blurred and I could barely see. My feet carried me up the steps to the Astronomy Tower. Tears poured down my cheeks and I slid down the wall. I buried my face in my knees. "Camilla-" a voice said. I looked up quickly and saw Draco standing in front of me. I stood to my feet and stared at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to see if you were alright," he said. I sighed and turned around. "You need to leave." I said. "No." he said as he walked up to me. I looked at him sharply and noticed the exhaustion that was evident on his face. His eyes were sunken and there were bags, and his face was paler than usual. "Why do you care? About me?" I asked. "You know why," he said calmly. "No, I don't. I don't remember anything about you. All I remember is that Harry told you you beat and raped me because Nathan told you too-" I started. "Camilla, I never meant to-" he began. "And I remember the dark mark on your arm and your task. I remember that! I don't remember anything else! So why do you care?" I yelled. He just looked at me. "The only way you make it out of this is if you do what my father tells you to do. So stop trying to save me, ok? Just save yourself!" I yelled. His eyes turned glassy. "You really don't remember anything about us?" he asked. "No." I said sharply. He nodded. "That's ok. I remember, and that's enough for me." he said quietly. Then he turned around and walked off. I watched him leave and sighed. Bloody hell.

A few days later, I was sitting at breakfast when I noticed that Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were gone. I ignored it and continued eating. It wasn't until I saw Nathan storm in, seething and grab Draco that I got concerned. Nathan dragged Draco out by his collar and I followed them. I stood around the corner and listened to their argument. "You screwed up, again!" Nathan yelled. "I know. How was I supposed to know Weasley would get in the way?" Draco snapped. My heart stopped. That's why they were gone. I ran all the way to the hospital wing. My heart was racing and I felt sick. I ran into the room and saw everyone standing over a cot. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Slughorn and Professor Dumbledore. I walked closer and saw Ron laying on the bed, barely conscious. Tears filled my eyes and as I got closer, Snape turned around. "Camilla-" he started. "Is he-" I began. "He's going to be alright, dear. Don't worry." Madame Pomfrey said. Harry looked up at me and his face was stone cold. "Why would she worry, she doesn't care," he spat. I stared at them as tears fell to my cheeks. "Harry, I-" I started. "I wouldn't be surprised if this was Nathan too." Ginny mumbled. "I'm sorry," I said. I looked at Snape and he had a look of concern. "I told you." I said. "Camilla," he said. "I told you. They will never be safe with me around. I can't stay here. Even when I completely ignore them, Ron ends up in the hospital." I said. "Camilla, it's not your fault," McGonagall said. I turned to Dumbledore and looked at him. "I'll be gone by the morning." I said. "That's your decision." he said. "What?!" Harry exclaimed. "Absolutely not. You will not take one step off of these grounds. Do you understand?" Snape said. I smiled at him. "Are you really willing to continuously risk the safety of all the students here for one person?" I asked. "For you...Yes." he said. "I'm not." I said. Harry walked over and grabbed my wrist. "You aren't leaving." he said. "Harry, I told you-" I started. "You lied," he said. I looked down as my cheeks burned. "I know you lied because I know you. I love you and you love me. You aren't leaving." he said. I looked at Dumbledore. "Sir, what do you think is right?" I asked. "If you want to leave, that's fine. But Nathan is going to stay, you know that. Right?" he asked. Before I could speak, Snape did. "You do not get to make decisions for her anymore. Not after you manipulated her into going home and she was physically and psychologically tortured for 3 months." Snape shouted. "Severus, mind yourself-" Dumbledore said. "She almost died! That is on you!" Snape yelled. I stared in shock. "Severus, please calm down-" Dumbledore started. "No! You are not her father, I am!" he yelled. Everyone froze for a moment and I stared at him. "Severus-" McGongall said softly. "She is staying here," he snapped. Then he walked out quickly.

Harry clasped his hands together and nodded. "So that's settled," he said plainly. I just nodded.

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