Chapter 101

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"I love it, Ginny! Thank you," I said. Ginny had given me a new sweater for Christmas and it was so nice. "I got you something too-" I said. "You didn't have to do that," she replied. "I know, it's not much but I hope you like it," I said as I handed her the wrapped box. She opened it and smiled as she pulled out the quidditch towels with a lion embroidered on them. "If you don't like it, I can get rid of them or get you something else. I just wanted you to-" I started. She just cut me off and hugged me. "They're great," she said with a smile. I smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you like them." I said. "Ginny! Come help me in the kitchen!" Mrs. Weasley called from the other room. Ginny got up and left and so I went to find Harry. I heard voices so I followed them. I was about to open the door when I heard Draco's name. "Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Remus said. My heart stopped and I froze. "I know it sounds mad," Harry said. They argued over whether to trust Snape. "You are blinded by hatred!" Remus snapped. "I'm not!" Harry exclaimed. "Yes, you are. I know how you feel about Camilla. I know you want to protect her." Remus said. "Of course I do, but that's not what this is about," Harry said. "Really, then what caused this sudden interest in Draco Malfoy?" Remus asked. Harry was quiet. "Listen to me, I know what he did to Camilla. I know. But you said it yourself, she still cares about him. Attacking him like this will only drive her away." Remus said. "I know but I feel like I'm always in the dark. I feel like I'm never saving anyone because I'm too late-" Harry continued. I walked away and went and sat outside on the porch. Harry was right. I didn't tell anyone what was happening during the TriWizard Tournament and Cedric died and Harry almost died. Now, I'm doing the same thing. I'm keeping my mouth shut about Draco's mission and it's going to get someone hurt. I have to tell Dumbledore. I'll make him promise to protect Draco and then I'll tell him. As I sat and thought about everything, I heard footsteps. Then there was a huge crack and the wards surrounding the burrows were destroyed. I saw a flash of black smoke and then Nathan appeared in front of me. "Hello Camilla," he said smugly. I quickly stood up and drew my wand. "What are you doing here?" I said. "Well, Christmas is a family holiday. So I thought you should be with your family" he said. All of the sudden, more death eaters came. There was a huge ring of fire around the burrow. Then Bellatrix Lestrange stood there and Harry came running out. "Harry, don't!" I yelled. But he began chasing Bellatrix. Nathan looked at me with a smug grin. Then I ran after Harry. My sneakers and the bottoms of my pajama pants got soaked with muddy water as I ran through the field. "Harry!" I shouted. I got to an empty space and stood there, panting for breath. "Harry!" I yelled. I heard footsteps and before I could throw a curse someone grabbed my hand. It was Harry. "It's ok, I'm alright" he said. We stood back to back and dodged curses from the death eaters. Then Remus, Tonks and Arthur came running over. "Are you ok?" Tonks asked. I nodded. We stood there until the death eaters apparate away. In the distance, there was a huge fiery explosion. "Molly!" Arthur yelled as he took off. We followed them, running towards the house. When we got there, the burrow was on the fire. Fred, George, Ginny, Ron and Molly all stood there watching in horror. This is all my fault.


The burrow was on fire. We all just stood there, unsure of what to do. But that sadness quickly turned to anger. Ron stormed over Camilla and shoved her back. "How did they know? Huh?" he shouted. "Ron- I'm sorry- I didn't-" she started. "How did they know where you were? How did they know where we all were? Did you tell them?" he yelled. "No, I would never!" she said as her voice cracked and her eyes turned glassy. "Bullshit! You lied to us for a whole year and got Cedric killed and almost got Harry killed. I guess it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh?" he yelled. "I'm not! I didn't tell them, I swear!" she said. "I don't care what you told them or what you didn't. Look what happened! Our home is destroyed! I grew up here and it's destroyed." he yelled. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" she cried. "Everywhere you go, you ruin things. Don't you get that! You can't escape what you are, Camilla. You are a Riddle and that's never going to change!" he yelled. "Lay off it, Ron. This isn't her fault-" I said. "Don't start! I get that you are used to having nothing but this was my home." Ron shouted. "Ron!" Ginny scolded. "Camilla must be a pretty good fuck to be worth all the baggage she comes with. But then again, I guess she's had lots of practice!" Ron spat in her face. Camilla's face dropped and tears fell down her cheeks. She looked absolutely petrified. "You keep saying you want to do good, you want to help. You keep trying to save all of us but you don't realize it 's you we need saving from." Ron said. Camilla just shook her head. "I swear, I never meant for this," she said quietly. Then she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke and I felt a break in my heart. She apparted using her dark mark. I've never seen her do that. She always keeps it hidden. Wrapped in gauze and covered with long sleeves. She hides it from herself and the world. Then she just used it.

What the hell does this mean?

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