Chapter 112

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I locked eyes with Harry one last time and then I was sucked into the portkey. His words rang through my head then my feet hit the floor. I was standing deep in a forest surrounded by tall trees. Then I looked up and saw a cabin in the distance. I pulled Draco's jacket tighter and inhaled. It still smelled like him. Green apples and spearmint. I wiped a tear and began walking. When I got to the cabin, I paused and stood in front of the door. I took a breath and knocked. I drew my wand and aimed it at the door. Then it opened and I saw him. Snape stood there. He looked exhausted. The tip of my wand was in his face and I just stared at him, silent...

"You came," he said quietly. "You asked me to," I said plainly. "I didn't think you would actually come. And I didn't think Mr. Potter would let you come alone." he said. I scoffed. "Harry's not my keeper. I make my own decisions." I said sharply. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he opened the door all the way. I kept my wand trained on him as I walked in, never once turning my back to him. He shut the door and I just stared at him. "Are you going to point that at me the whole time?" he asked. "Yes." I snapped. He sighed and nodded. "I understand." he said and he sat down. "Do you want to sit?" he asked. "No." I said. He nodded. "You said you wanted to explain. So talk." I said. He looked at me curiously. "You're different," he said. My face fell. "What?" I said. "I heard about what you did to your brother. And now you are going against Harry because you want to. You would have never done that before. You've changed." he said. I nodded. "I watched the one person I trusted most murder someone for my father. Then I watched Draco die right in front of me. And then I got my memories back but it was too late." I said. His eyes widened. "You got your memories back?!" he exclaimed. "Yes, just the ones of Draco and I. Hermione thinks that once Draco's heart stopped beating it triggered something in my subconscious." I said. He nodded. "But that doesn't matter, because he's dead. And he's dead because of you." I said. "What?" Snape said. "Look in my head, I want you to see it happen." I said. He paused and drew his wand. "Legilimens," he said. I felt a sharp pain and he watched everything happen after he left. When he withdrew, I felt salty tears fall down my cheeks. He didn't say anything. "It was supposed to be me." I said."But it wasn't," he said. I looked at him. "I wish it was," I said. "Camilla-" he started. "No, enough!" I yelled. He stopped. "Tell me the truth! Why did you do it?" I asked as my voice cracked. "You protected me, you saved me. You went against my father before. Dumbledore trusted you, Harry trusted you, everyone trusted you. I trusted you. But it was a lie right?" I said. He just stared at me. "Say something!" I yelled. Nothing. "Tell me the truth right now... do you serve my father?" I asked.
There was a pause and dead silence.

"Yes," he said. My stomach sank and I stepped back. I exhaled a shaky breath and shook my head. "How could you? This whole time?" I said. He nodded. "I'm sorry, Camilla," he said. I scoffed. "I can't believe- I can't believe I was going to ask you to adopt me." I said. His face dropped and his eyes turned glassy. "You were-" he started. "Yes. At the end of the war." I said. "Camilla, please. I'm not-" he started. "I don't care." I spat. Then I turned to leave and paused.
"I hate you," I said quietly. Then I walked out and slammed the door. And I apparated away.

I got back to Hogwarts and ran all the way back to Gryffindor. I got to Harry's dorm and went in. He was finishing packing his trunk and I shut the door. He turned around and looked at me. "Camilla-" he started. I ran over to him and hugged him. I buried my face in his chest and he held me tight. I lifted my head and pressed my lips to his. I ran my fingers through his hair and he grabbed my sides and pulled me closer. "What happened?" he whispered. "You were right." I said. "No, I wasn't. You aren't a death eater. That mark means nothing." he said. "Maybe so, but Snape- he is. I trusted him and he was lying to me the whole time." I said. "I'm sorry, Cam," I said. I shook my head. "Don't be. Snape was right about one thing." I said. Harry looked at me with confusion. "I have changed. We have to win. We have to, otherwise all of this will have been in vain, and everyone we lose along the way will have died for nothing." I said. He nodded. "We will. We will win." he said. "I love you," I said. He smiled and kissed me. "I love you too." he said.

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