Chapter 126

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It's an endless cycle. An endless cycle of hell that we have been trapped in. For Draco, it's being locked in his room, watching me being dragged out, listening to my screams, taking care of my wounds, sneaking food to Luna, and then going out and doing whatever Nathan and my father tell him to do so that he can survive. For me, it's being locked in the room, cleaning the blood off of Draco, healing his wounds, letting them rape me so it's not Luna and then passing out from exhaustion. It's our own personal hell and I don't know how much more I can take.

It was the afternoon and I was sitting in the corner of Draco's room. A few hours ago, the death eaters had me. Draco is just sitting next to me quietly. I know he's worried but I also know he knows there is nothing he can say or do to help me. It's killing him and I feel awful.
Suddenly the door burst open and revealed a very out of breath Nathan and 2 death eaters. "Grab her," he snapped. Draco and I both stood up and Draco stepped in front of me. "Wait- Nathan- she's exhausted- please- give her time-" he pleaded. "Shut up! We don't need her for that." he said. "Then what's going on?" he asked. The death eaters grabbed me and began to drag me out. "Why don't you come see?" he said. They held tight to me and dragged me down the halls. Then we got to the sitting room. I saw Lucius and Narcissa and a few snatchers. The death eaters pulled me to the middle of the room and my heart stopped. Hermione and Ron. The snatchers were holding them and Hermione and Ron looked at me in shock. But they stared at Draco with even more shock. Then they shoved me to my knees in front of someone. And though his face was messed up, I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. Those eyes that make me feel safe. Those eyes that make me feel loved. It was Harry. But they can't know that.

"Is it him?" Nathan asked. I looked at him and feigned innocence. "Who?" I asked. He grabbed the roots of my hair and jerked my head forward. "Your loverboy. Potter. Is it him?" he asked. "No. It's not. Don't you know what he looks like, Nathan?" I said smugly. He yanked me up. "If you think you can protect him-" he started. "Check his hip, on the left side." I said. He looked at me with confusion. "Harry has a birthmark on his left hip. Check. If there's a birthmark, you'll know it's him." I said. He narrowed his eyes on me. "I had sex with him, Nathan. I think I would know." I said. He backhanded me across the face and Hermione gasped. My head whipped to the side and I clutched my cheek. I stood up straight and looked at him. "Don't remind me of your disloyalty," he spat. Then he knelt down and checked Harry's hip. "There's no mark." he mumbled. "I told you, it's not Harry." I said. He grabbed my throat and squeezed as tight as he could. I grasped at his hand and coughed. "If you are lying to me, I swear I will kill you," he said. "I'm not lying. It isn't him. Don't you think I would know the boy I love?" I said. Nathan stared at me and let go. I dropped to my hands and knees coughing and gasping for air. "I know how to check," he said. I looked up at him. "Take the Weasley boy and the mudblood to the dungeon," Nathan said. "I'll do it," Draco said quietly and he began to pull them away. Once they were gone, Nathan looked at me. "Now, I know Potter. And he is far too protective of you. So, if this really isn't him, he should have no problem with these Snatchers taking their turn with you... right?" he said smugly. My heart stopped. I looked at Harry and I knew. He wouldn't let that happen, but if he didn't, he would be killed. "Fine." I said quickly. Harry's eyes filled with tears. "Let's go upstairs," I said quietly. Nathan laughed. "Oh no, he has to watch." he said. I stared at him and my eyes watered. "Nathan- no-" I pleaded. "Yes. If it's not Potter, he shouldn't mind." he said. "I do though," Harry said. Nathan turned to face him with a dark look. "You see, I don't think it's fair that they get to have all the fun. Do I get a turn with her?" Harry asked. I looked at him quickly and my eyes widened. "You're twisted, I like it." Nathan said. Harry shrugged. Nathan grabbed my arm and tossed me forward. "Go ahead, but fair warning, she's been used up by quite a few people." Nathan said. Tears fell to my cheeks as Harry grabbed my arm roughly. He had to, he had to make it look real. He looked me up and down and smirked. "Well... aren't you pretty?" he said. He felt me up over my dress and I closed my eyes. "Don't worry, the other death eaters tell me she's still pretty tight." he said. Harry laughed and slipped his hand under my dress and rubbed my cunt. I bit my lip until it bled and squeezed my eyes shut. He couldn't even look at me. "So I can use her however I want?" Harry asked. Nathan nodded. "Can I have a little privacy with the whore?" he asked. Nathan chuckled. "Go in the study," he said. Harry nodded and gripped my arm as he dragged me inside. Then he shut the door and looked at me.
"Camilla-" he said softly.

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