Chapter 115

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Today is the day of the wedding. I packed all of my things and I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Harry, Ron and Hermione plan to leave tomorrow too. But today, I'm just going to try to have fun.

I had just gotten out of the shower when someone knocked on the door. "One minute!" I said. I put on a robe and opened the door. Hermione stood there. "Hey Mione-" I said. "Hi, put on some clothes, there is something you should see." she said. I nodded and she left. I threw on some jeans and a sweater and went down stairs. Ron, Harry and Hermione were all sitting on the couches and talking. "What's going on?" I asked. "The Minister of Magic was just here," Harry said. "What, why?" I asked. "Dumbledore's will," Ron said. I walked over and sat down. "He gave us each something, Harry got the first snitch he ever caught, Ron got a deluminator and I got a book. But there was something for you too." Hermione said. She handed me a box and and a letter. "What is it for?" Ron asked. I shrugged and opened the letter.

Dear Camilla,
I apologize for not telling you before. I was unsure of how you would react. But now I feel it is best you know the truth about your father... and your mother. Professor Slughorn was right. Your mother did not die during childbirth. She raised you and your brother with love and care until you were 7. Then she was informed of your fathers plan for both you and your brother. She refused to allow it and begged your father to reconsider. He would not. So she attempted to escape and take the two of you with her. She was caught and your father murdered her in front of both of you. On that day, you and Nathan both swore to your father that because of what he did, you would never serve him. Due to his need for his heir's power, he obliviated any and all memories of your mother from your minds. From that day forward, he controlled you both completely. Again, I apologize for not telling you sooner. I hope you can understand.

I stared at the letter in disbelief. My eyes filled with tears as I reread it over and over. "What does it say?" Harry asked. I just handed it to him. He passed it to Ron and then to Hermione. "Bloody hell" Ron mumbled. "Oh my-" Hermione said. "What's in the box?" Ron asked. I was pulled from my mind and I looked at them. "You don't have to open it now-" Hermione said gently. I shook my head. "It's alright-" I said. I opened it and pulled out a picture frame. It was a picture of a young girl in a Gryffindor uniform sitting in the library and smiling. I froze... Gryffindor.

"She was a Gryffindor," I said in shock

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"She was a Gryffindor," I said in shock. Everyone's jaws dropped and their eyes widened. "Tom Riddle, Voldemort, he- and- and a Gryffidor?" Ron exclaimed. I nodded and showed them the photograph. Then another little note fell from the box and I picked it up and read it aloud.

Her name was Charlotte O'Malley

"Are you alright, Cam?" Harry said. I just nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" Hermione asked. "Nathan-" I said quietly. "What?" Harry said. "Nathan," I said as I looked up. "What about him?" Harry said. "He doesn't know." I said. Harry sighed. "Cam, don't do this to yourself." he said. "But he might-" I started. "Your brother is a monster. He has tortured you for years and he let you get raped. Repeatedly! He is a death eater. That won't change." Harry snapped. I stared at him and he sighed. "Harry-" Hermione said in a warning tone. "I'm sorry. Ok? Maybe your brother said that but that was a long time ago. He's not that person anymore. He's too far gone." Harry said. "I know. But he still deserves to know." I said. "Please don't go looking for him," Hermione said. "I won't. I don't have to. When they need me, they can find me. I'll tell him then." I said. They just nodded.  Then Molly walked in. "Alright children, time to get ready!" she said with a clap of her hands. We just nodded. "Come on, I'll do your hair," Hermione said. Then we left.

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