Chapter 46

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By the month before Winter Break, Dumbledore's Army had grown to about 35 people. We had to be really sneaky. Filch and Umbridge were onto us. Umbridge had even created her own army of sorts. The Inquisitorial Squad. I watched Filch bang yet another proclamation into the wall. Then I headed up to the Astronomy Tower to spend time with Draco before practice. When I got there, he hadn't arrived yet so I sat down and began to read. I heard the door open and he walked in smiling proudly. "What are you smiling at?" I asked. "You are looking at the Captain of The Inquisitorial Squad." he said pointing to his shiny badge pinned to his robe. My heart sunk. I forced a smile on my face and kissed him. "I'm proud of you." I said. "Thanks. I'm going to get those stupid Gryffindors and their stupid club" he said. My face fell. "Seriously Draco?" I snapped. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Look at my uniform and tell me what colors you see?" I asked. He sighed. "I didn't mean you." he said. "But you meant my friends'' I said. He nodded. "What does the Inquisitorial Squad even think is going on?" I asked. "We know Potter has some kind of group that he is teaching DADA. We just have to catch them." he said. I shook my head and sighed. "I have to go." I said. He grabbed my wrist. "Wait," he said looking into my eyes. "Tell me you're not involved." he said. I just looked at him. "Tell me." he said. "I love you but I have to go." I said. I rushed down the stairs and to the ROR. I made sure nobody had followed me and then I went in. Harry, Hermione and Ron were setting up. "They know" I said gasping for air. Harry rushed over. 'What?" he asked. "The Inquisitorial Squad. They know what we're doing. They just have to catch us." I said. "Bloody Hell" Ron said. "How do you know?" Harry asked. "Draco told me." I mumbled. "Why would he tell you that?" he questioned. "That doesn't matter." Hermione said. "Yes it does, Cam, why did he tell you?" he asked again. I shook my head. "Godricks sake. You're snogging him again aren't you?" he asked. "Harry-" I started. "After everything he did to you? Seriously? Why? What could possibly make you-" he started. "I love him" I blurted out. Harry's face dropped. "What?" he said. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like him. But I didn't choose this. I love him." I said. Harry sighed and rubbed his temples. "Does he care about you?" he asked. I nodded. "Does he make you happy?" he asked. I nodded again. "Does he love you back?" he asked one last time. "Yes" I said. "Then ok." he said. "What?" Ron said, shocked. "Just remember what you promised me." he said. I hugged him. "I remember." I said. Kids began to file in and we began practice. I'm glad to get that off my chest.

Later that night, I went to the Slytherin Dorms. I wanted to talk to Draco. I knew the password so I got to their door and whispered "Parseltongue" and it opened. There weren't very many students in their common room. Just a few first years. I know why. It's freezing in there. They have no fireplace and it's nothing like the Gryffindor common room. It's not very comforting or homey. I walked up to Draco's dorm and knocked on the door. I heard voices and then Draco opened the door. His face face fell into a worried look. "What are you doing here?" he whispered. "I wanted to talk to you. Who's in there?" I asked. "Nobody." he said. "Draco, I heard voices." I said. He sighed. Then the door was pulled open and there stood Blaise and Nathan. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." Nathan said. He pushed Draco to the side and pulled me into the room and shut the door. "Come for a late night hookup?" Nathan asked. I was backed up against the wall and Nathan stood right in front of me, towering over my body. "No, I just need to talk to Draco." I said. "Hmmm. I surprised he still wants to, you know after he found out your the death eaters little toy." he said. I cleched my fist. "Shut up" I snapped. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it.  "Let her go" Draco said reaching for Nathan. Blaise just grabbed Draco's arms and held them behind his back. "What did I tell you about how you talk to me?" he asked me. "Let me go Nathan" I said. "Or what? You going to tell Snape? Or maybe Potter?" he taunted. "Yes, mybe I will." I said. "Let me ask you this, and I want you to remember what happened the last time you answered this question. Do you think you are safe here?" he asked. I was silent. "Answer me." he yelled. "No, No, I'm not." I choked out. The fear started to creep into my mind. "That's right, you aren't safe. Ever. Not from me, not from father, not from the death eaters." he said. I nodded. "You're right, ok? Please let me go." I pleaded. He gave that dark laugh and with a swift motion he threw me to the floor. Before I could grab my wand, he pointed his at me. "Incarcerous" he yelled. Ropes tied my wrists together and behind my back. Then my ankles were tied together too. I struggled on the floor trying to free myself but I couldn't. "Let her go Nathan!" Draco yelled. He was fighting in Blaise's grip. "Incarcerous" Nathan said. Then Draco was tied to the post of his bed. He pulled and pulled but it was no use. "Let's see if we can bring back some memories." Nathan said. He knelt in front of me and ripped open my shirt. The buttons flew across the room and scattered among the carpet. "Nathan please let me go, please" I begged. He just laughed. "I know I'm not safe. I know please you don't have to prove it." I said. The panic took over and tears poured down my face. Draco was thrashing and trying to break free from the bounds but he couldn't. "Let her go! Now! Don't you touch her." he screamed. "Blaise, gimme a cigarette" Nathan said. I shook my head. "No please, Nathan" I cried. Blaise tossed him a pack of cigarettes and he lit one. He inhaled and blew the smoke in my face. I coughed and tried to move away. He chuckled. Then he hovered it right above the flesh on my ribs. I could feel the heat. I didn't dare move. "Please Nathan, please don't do it. I'm begging you pl-" I started. I was cut off when he pressed the lit end into my skin. I screamed as it burned my flesh. He did this 5 times. Each time hurt more and more. By the end, I was sobbing and sweating. Nathan tossed the cigarettes on the floor and released the ropes. Then he and Blaise walked out. Draco rushed to my side and moved some hair that had stuck to my face. "Camilla, are you ok?" he asked. I sat up and wiped my tears. "Camilla?" he asked. I looked at the fresh burns on my skin and buttoned the remaining buttons on my shirt. "Camilla, say something." he said. I stood up and started to leave. He grabbed my wrist and I winced. The bruises already started to form on my wrists from the ropes. I kissed him. "I have to go." I said quietly. "Camilla, you just-" he started. "Please Draco, I just want to go to sleep. I love you so much." I said. He looked so concerned. "Ok, just please, can we talk tomorrow?" he asked. I nodded. "I love you too." he said and I walked out.

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