Chapter 21

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"Harry, if that's you, just go. I don't need your apologies." I yelled out. I looked up and saw those blueish, silver eyes. Draco. He looked at me and I looked at the floor. "Did Nathan send you to make sure I wasn't doing anything that caused me any remote happiness?" I asked. He laughed. "No, I came to make sure of that on my own." he said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He sat down next to me and I looked at him with confusion. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sitting." he said plainly. "No, I mean what are you doing? What's your play? Did Nathan tell you to do this?" I asked. "What?" he asked. "This. This pretending to care about things. He hurts me and then you heal me. Why? What do you want?" I said. He didn't say anything. "Draco! Why- Why did you kiss me?!" I yelled. He looked at me and his eyes were dark. "Whatever." I said standing up to leave. He stood up quickly and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me back and my back was pressed against the wall. He trapped me between his arms and leaned in. Our bodies were inches apart. "Why do you think Nathan has anything to do with what I want with you?" he asked. My heart stopped for a moment. "Doesn't he?" I said. "No." Draco said plainly. "Then what do you want?" I asked. "You" he said and he crashed his lips onto mine. I melted into his touch and ran my fingers through his blonde hair. He ran his hands down my back pulling my body closer to him. He bit my bottom lip gently and my mouth opened. He slipped his tongue in and the kiss deepened. His hands roamed my body. He slipped his hands under my shirt and felt me up. I could feel his cold hands on my skin. "Draco wait-" I started. He kissed me again pressing his body against mine. I pushed him off harder and he stumbled back. Guilt covered his face. "Camilla I'm sorry I just-" he started. "So that's what you want huh? Just a quick hookup. What? Did Nathan tell you I was easy?" I yelled. "No, Camilla. That's not-" he started. "Don't lie. Despite what Nathan may tell you, I'm not stupid. Go to hell" I said. I started to leave and he grabbed my hand. I slapped him across the face and his eyes went dark as his cheek turned scarlett red. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall. He forced his leg in between mine and looked at me with anger written across his face. "Don't ever do that again," he said darkly. I stared at him and struggled under his grip. "Do you understand me?" he asked, enunciating each word. I nodded. "Words Riddle." he said. "Yes" I said quietly. "Good," he said. He let go and walked out of the room slamming the door. What the hell just happened?



It's been a while since everything happened. I've spent most of my time either in the library or in my room. I try to avoid everyone. Nathan keeps checking up on me and asking me stuff about Harry. I try to lie to him about everything I can. I want him and my father to have as little information as possible about Harry. I also started leaving Harry notes. I can't tell him directly about stuff because he'll ask a hundred questions. So I leave anonymous notes. I try to warn him about things. He talks about them all the time. At least 2 times a day he asks all of us if we have any idea who is leaving them. Everyday it's the same answer. "No Harry, I told you yesterday and the day before and every other day. I don't know." I said rolling my eyes. He nodded. McGonagall had just escorted Hermione and Ron out of the library for something and it was just us. Harry was still trying to figure out how to breathe underwater for an hour. "That's it. I'm done for." he said. I shook my head. "We'll figure it out, just-" I started. Then Cedric walked over to us and my heart stopped. "Hey Harry." he said. I looked down trying to look busy. "Cedric, how are you?" he asked. "Well, and you?" he asked. "Spectacular," he said sarcastically. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" he asked. Harry shrugged. "Cam's helping me." he said. Cedric looked at me and I nodded. "Well, I should-" he started but stopped mid- sentence. He looked at me with a strange look and walked over. "Where did you get that necklace?" he asked. My cheeks burned. Usually I wear it under my clothes so nobody sees it. But I realized I had been fidgeting with it. "Oh- um. I found it one day. I wear it hoping someone will recognize it and claim it." I stammered. "Oh, well lucky you. It worked. I bought that at Hogsmeade for..." he trailed off. Harry looked at me strangely. "Well I don't actually remember but anyway" he says. I took it off and handed it to him. "Here, I'm glad I could return it." I said. Cedric nodded at Harry and I. Then he smiled and walked away. Harry stared at me. "What the bloody hell was that?" Harry asked. "I don't know what you mean." I said looking at my book. "You know damn well what I mean. He gave you that. Why didn't he remember?" he asked. I shrugged. "He was acting like he didn't know you." he said. "Harry stop. He probably just wanted it back and didn't know how to ask" I said. Harry looked at me then his eyes widened. "Tell me you didn't." he said. I looked up at him sharply. "Tell me you didn't obliviate him! Cam you could be expelled!" he yelled. "Shhhh" I said. Harry's jaw dropped. "Was it Nathan?" he asked. "Merlin Harry, you just can't leave it alone can you? You know what, Good luck. I hope you drown tomorrow." I snapped. I stormed off and headed for Gryffindor. "Now that wasn't very polite was it now Camilla?" Shit. Nathan.

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