Chapter 4

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The feast was so good. Fred and George were so funny. I haven't been able to eat this much in my whole life. It's hard lying to them though. My cover story is that I used to study at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America. But once my father was killed, my brother and I were sent to Hogwarts for safety. "Hey Ginny, we are rooming together right?" a girl with curly hair asked. "Of course! Camilla or Cam here will be joining us," Ginny answered looking at me with a smile. "Oh I don't want to impose," I said shyly. I was nervous. I'm new and they are friends, I feel like it would be strange. "Nonsense. I'm Hermione Granger and we would love for you to join us. If you want to..." she asked. "That would be great, thank you." i said with a smile. "Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves." she said elbowing the boy sitting next to her. It was another redhead. "I'm Ron Weasley," he said in betwetween bites of food. "I'm Harry Potter" he said looking up at me. I couldn't help but look at the scar and feel a pang of guilt. "Hi, I'm Camilla," I said. "So why did you just transfer to Hogwarts?" Harry asked. Oh um, my father, the guy who killed your parents and who has this unhealthy obsession with you wants me to help him guess what... kill you. "Um well, my father was killed by death eaters and it was safer here I guess" I said. "Oh, I'm sorry." he said. "Thanks" I mumbled. He was a good person who never did anything, he doesn't deserve to die. "The feast is over. Please go to your dorms" Dumbledore announced and the food disappeared. Everyone began to file out of the great hall. I walked with Hermione and Ginny and they told me all about Gryffindor. I was so excited. "Cam!" I heard my name and turned to see my brother. "I'll catch up with you guys," I said. They nodded and kept walking. I ran over to my brother and gave him a hug. I pulled him to the side and behind a pillar. "Nate, can you believe it! An age limit. This is bloody incredible! How lucky are we?" I said smiling. But the second I saw his face my smile faded. "You knew." I said. He nodded. "He is going to be entered anyway, right?" I asked. He nodded again. "I talked to Harry. He is a good person. He doesn't deserve to die. How can you be ok with this? He is a kid. A person. He did nothing." I said blinking back tears. "Cam, I'm not ok with it. I don't want to do this either, but we don't have a choice." he said. "You are acting like his life doesn't matter." I said. "His life does matter. But to me, your life matters more. So if I have to help kill him to keep you safe I will." he said. "Why does someone always have to die?" I asked. "You know the answer to that question." he said. I nodded and wiped the tears that had fallen. "Now go get unpacked and then meet me outside the Great Hall at 10:30." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Father wants to see us." he answered. His eyes were full of concern. "Does he know? About me getting sorted into Gryffindor?" I asked. "I'm sorry Cam. He would have found out eventually and I can't always control it-" he started. "Hey, hey" I whispered, taking his hands. "It's ok, there's nothing he can do that he hasn't done before. I'll be fine." I said and gave him a hug and a smile. My father can look into my brothers head too. That's probably how he found out. I don't blame Nate. He's right, father would have found out eventually. Then I went to the portrait. The password is Fairy Lights which I like. I walked into the common room and it was awesome. There was a fireplace and couches and tables. It was really homey. Then there were 2 rows of stairs, one for boys dorms and one for girls. I went to the girls and looked for Ginny and Hermione. After knocking on 4 different doors, I finally arrived at my dorm. "Finally! Where were you?" Hermione asked as she pulled me inside. "My brother wanted to talk. He was worried about me." I said. "That is so nice. Your brother is really nice." she cooed. "He is kind of annoying. He is so protective of me but we are twins. He is literally only 11 minutes older than me." I said and we laughed. Our dorm was really cool too. We have our own bathroom and desk and closet. There are windows and a beautiful view of the lake and moonlight. We have three beds and mine is closest to the door. We each get our own bedside table and lamp and stuff. The beds are so comfy. Hermione showed me a spell to unpack my stuff really quickly. It was awesome. Finally, we went to sleep. But I just laid awake staring at the ceiling. I tried not to think about how these girls were my friends and I was going to have to betray them. I tried not to think about what I will have to do to Harry. I tried not to think about what my brother will have to do when he becomes a death eater. As I tried not to think about this stuff, I just thought about it more and more. Finally the clock turned 10:15. Hermione and Ginny were fast asleep. I slipped out of bed and pulled on the same outfit I wore earlier. Then I pulled on my shoes. I grabbed my wand and snuck out. I made it to the Great Hall and nobody caught me. "Are you ready?" Nate asked. I nodded. "Don't be scared. I'll be right there." he said. "I really wish that made me feel better," I said. I took his hand and we apperated landing right outside the Riddle manor. Apporating wasn't as bad as the first time. We walked inside and faced my father standing in the first room. I quickly let go of my brother's hand. I could tell my father was furious, it was like there was actual steam coming out of his ears. "Father" Nate said calmly, nodding his head. "Nathan, there are some things to be discussed. Please go wait in the study." he said. "It's ok. I can wait here for you." he said staying by my side. "Nathan, go in the study, now" he hissed. I gave him a weak smile and he nodded walking away. I heard the study door shut and lock and suddenly two men grabbed my arms. I tried to pull from their grasp but it just tightened. I felt as if they were trying to rip my arms out. I didn't recognize them, they must be new death eaters. "Father, I didn't-" I started. "Silence" he spat, slapping me across the face. I felt the burning on my cheek. My eyes watered but I turned to face him trying to stay strong. "Ah brave little Gryffindor" he teased. He drew his wand and pointed it at me. "It's despicable." he spat. The men let go and stepped to the side. "Crucio" he yelled. The flash of light hit my body and I felt pain. The pain felt like knives so hot it was almost cold were sinking into my skin. I thrashed on the floor trying to relieve the pain. I could barely hear their laughter over my screams. Then it faded. I was crying on the floor, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. "A disgrace" he yelled. "Crucio" and again the pain. This time was different. It was like I was being crushed. I couldn't breathe. It was like there was no air left in the world. I didn't scream, I just shook on the floor. "I need to have a discussion with my son. A Slytherin. The only proper house. Teach her a lesson." he spat as he walked away. This isn't the first time this has happened. Teaching her a lesson always means the same thing. That's the thing with death eaters, they feed off of pain and fear. So as I was curled up on the floor shaking and crying, first was the beating. They get in their punches and kicks. Then their favorite part. I used to fight it, but I can't. There's no point. The cruciatus curse, plus the beating, I'm weak. So I just close my eyes and wait for it to be over. I feel him climb on top of me while the other one holds my hands. "She's not so brave now," he said. His hands pulled at my clothes and roamed my body. I felt the tears fall down my face. "That's right, be a good girl" he whispered. I feel his breath and it makes my skin crawl. I just think of all the different flowers. Roses... he pulls down my pants. Sunflowers.... my underwear. Daisies.....I feel his lips on mine and fingers on my skin. I just keep my eyes shut. Finally, they finish and leave me on the floor. I pull my clothes back on and wipe my tears. Nate doesn't know about this. I've never told him and I never will. I'm afraid that if I do, he will anger my father. It's not worth it. I sit leaning against a wall shaking until Nate comes out. He kneels in front of me and helps me up. I wince as a sharp pain shoots through my shoulder. My father walks out and laughs. "Father, may we please go?" he asked. "I haven't finished with her yet." he said and the two men laughed. "Father-" he started. "Leave her on the floor" he spat. "Wait," Nate said. My father glared at him. "If I may, this could be an advantage." he said calmly. "Do tell," he said sarcastically. "Think about it. It will be much easier for her to get close to Harry Potter now. I mean how likely was it for him to trust a Slytherin. Oh no, but a Gryffindor," he said. My father thought about it for a moment. "I suppose. Camilla, you better not disappoint. Get back to school." he spat. Nate picked me up and carried me outside. "I'll heal you when we get back," he whispered. And I felt the apparition. Suddenly, we were right back in the Great Hall. "Come On, you need to be healed." he whispered. "Nate, there's a curfew and we'll get in trouble. I have my wand, I can heal myself. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes" I gave him a hug. Then I ran back to Gryffindor. "Fairy Lights" I said. Then the portrait opened. I started walking back to the stairs when I heard a voice. "Camilla?" Oh shit. I stopped and turned. Harry stood up from the couch and walked over. I looked down hoping he wouldn't notice the bruises on my face and blood on my shirt. "Hi, I have to go, Harry" I whispered and turned. "Wait" he said and grabbed my wrist. I winced from the broken wrist and pulled away. "What the bloody hell happened?" he asked. "Nothing, I'm fine. Please don't freak out." I said. "Camilla, your face is bruised, there is blood on your shirt and your wrist is hurt. You need to go to the hospital wing." he said. "No! Harry , you don't understand. Please, I'm fine. I can heal myself. You can't tell anyone about this." I said. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Camilla, whoever did this to you doesn't deserve your protection. Please, I know we just met but you can talk to me." he said softly. "Harry, some things are more complicated. I just need you to promise you won't tell anyone." I said. He sighed. "Fine, but at least let me help heal you. I have really good supplies for quidditch accidents." he said. I nodded. "I'll be right back" he said and jogged up the stairs. He came back down with a bag full of supplies. First he pulled out a small flask. "Here, this will help with the pain" he said and I drank it. Then he put some ointment on a cloth and cleaned the cuts and they healed. "This might hurt for a second" he said and I nodded. "Episkey," he said. I heard a crack and the bone in my wrist healed. "Now your ribs," he said. I nodded. "Uh, you might have to lift up your shirt" he said blushing. My cheeks turned red and I nodded, pulling up my turtleneck. He was so focused on the black and blue ribs he didn't pay any attention to my visible bra and chest. He pointed his wand at my stomach and used the same spell. His hand reached out and he pointed to the cuts and scars on my stomach. "Camilla, are these cigarette burns?" he asked in shock. I quickly pulled my turtleneck down. "Thank you for your help Harry. Please don't tell anyone Harry. Things are much more complicated than you think. I'll be fine" I said softly. He stared at the floor. "Harry, can you promise me not to tell anyone" I asked him. "Against my better judgement, I guess" he said. I nodded and ran upstairs. I quickly changed into my pjs and fell asleep. Things couldn't be worse but at least tonight I get to sleep in a comfortable bed that's safe. That's new.

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