Chapter 99

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"I can't believe you are actually coming with us! I'm so excited." Ginny said. "Me too. I can't wait to meet your family." I said. "Fred and George are dying to see you." Ron added. I went quiet and looked down. Fred and George. I knew who they were but I remembered nothing about them. "Cam, what's wrong?" Harry asked. I looked up at him and he had a look of concern. "Do they know?" I asked. "Know what?" he asked. "Do Fred and George know? That I don't remember them?" I asked. Everyone exchanged looks and it was clear. "We weren't sure if you wanted us to tell them." Ginny said. I just nodded. "They won't be upset, you know that, right?" Harry said. I just nodded. "This is going to be a fantastic Christmas. You'll have loads of fun." Ginny said. "I'm just glad Snape-" Harry started. Then he stopped. "Snape what?" I said. "Nothing," he said quickly. "No, go ahead Potter. Continue with what you were saying." I turned around and Nathan was standing behind us. "It's none of your concern, Nathan. Just go away." Harry snapped. Nathan just scoffed and looked at me. "We are leaving for our fathers now," he said. My heart started racing and I looked at Harry. "I- I'm not going." I said quietly. He laughed out loud. "You aren't going?" he scoffed. I nodded. "It's not optional, you stupid girl." he spat. "Shut up!" Harry shouted. "Get over yourself Potter" Nathan spat back. "I'm not going with you, Nathan." I said. "Then where are you going?" he asked. I stared at him and didn't say anything. He doesn't know about the Weasleys. I can't endanger them. "Come on, Camilla. Don't make this hard on yourself." he said. I felt memories of his punishments flash through my head and my eyes turned glassy. I looked at Harry and my friends and sighed. "I'm sorry. Maybe next year." I said. I got up and started to leave when Harry grabbed me. "No." he said. "Harry, I have to. He will-" I started. "I said no," he repeated. "If you want her, you have to go through me" Harry said to Nathan as he stepped in front of me. Then Ginny got up, and Ron and Hermione and Dean and Seamus. "And us," Ginny added. Nathan just rolled his eyes. "Fine. Have it your way." he said. Then he walked out. Harry turned to face me and I looked down. "Cam, you can't do that," he said. "I'm sorry." I said. "I know. Just don't put yourself in danger to protect us. Ok?" he said. I nodded. "The train is leaving soon, let's go," Ginny said. We all grabbed our stuff and left.

We got on the train and spent the time talking and laughing. I was so happy and it was so nice. Then the train came to a stop. We got off and apparated to the burrow. When we got there, a smile never left my face. "This is amazing," I said. I looked at the huge house, with the fields and garden. It was beautiful. We walked down the path and towards the house. Then we went inside. It was filled with magic. There was a sweater knitting itself, dishes washing themselves, a magic clock that shows where everyone was. It was all so incredible. It was a real home. "Mum! We're here!" Ginny called out. A woman with ginger hair just like Ginny's came out. "Welcome home!" she exclaimed. She hugged her children and then Harry. Then she stopped in front of me. "You must be Camilla, it's wonderful to finally meet you." she said with a bright smile as she hugged me. "Thank you for having me, Mrs. Weasley." I said. "Of course," she said. "There's tea and biscuits in the kitchen, help yourselves." she said. We all went in and began to eat. Then two tall redhead twins came in. "Fred! George!" Ginny exclaimed as she hugged them. Everyone greeted each other with hugs and smiles. I stood in the back and watched. Then they looked at me. "Camilla! We missed you!" Fred said. "I'll bet she missed us more!" George said. I stared at them and tried to think of what to say. "Are you ok?" George asked. "I-I just- I don't remember." I said quietly. Ginny quickly came over and took my hand. "We'll be upstairs, unpacking. Harry, can you" she started. "Yeah" he said. Then Ginny led me upstairs and shut the door. I sat down on the bed, silent.


"What was that all about?" Fred asked. "Why wouldn't she say hi?" George added. "She doesn't know who you are." I said. Their faces fell. "What?" they exclaimed. "Over the summer, when she went home, something happened. She came back to school...different. We all noticed it." I continued. "What happened?" Fred asked. "Her father and her brother, they did something. They used the cruciatus curse and legilimency to destroy her memories." I said. "They wrecked her mind." Ron added. "What does that mean?" George asked. "She doesn't remember stuff. And the things she does remember, it's all scrambled." Ron said. "For example, they tried to make her afraid of me. So all the memories she had of me, they were associated with pain by torturing her." I said. "That's mad," Fred said. "Yes, it is. So that's why she doesn't remember you." Ron said. "But give it time. Her memories have been coming back. She will remember eventually." I said. They just nodded. Then we all sat quietly while everyone processed it.

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