Chapter 50

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We all walked back to Gryffindor and I went straight to my dorm. I took a shower while Hermione and Ginny packed. Then we all went down to lunch. I walked in and waved to Draco sitting at the Slytherin table. He smiled at me. Then I sat down and started eating. "Ahem" someone clears their throat behind me. I turned around and froze. Evan. "Camilla, can I have a word?" he asked calmly. "Piss off Evan" Harry said. Evan gave me a look and I just stood up. "I'll be back in a second." I mumbled. Then I followed him out of the great hall. "What-" I started but he just grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hall. I winced at his tight grip. He pulled me into the abandoned bathroom and my blood was still on the floor. He slammed me against the wall and pinned my wrists to the wall and forced his knee between my legs. I shut my eyes and turned my head to the side. "What did you tell them?" he said. "N- Nothing, I didn't say anything," I said quietly. "Did you tell them it was me?" he asked. I shook my head. "Good, if you do, it won't matter. Everyone knows you had it coming. They'd probably give me an award." he said. "Please let me go." I whispered. "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you myself." he snapped. Then he let go and stormed out. I wiped the tears from my face and went back into the great hall. I sat down and everyone looked at me. "Are you ok?" Ginny asked. I nodded. Harry placed his hand on my shoulder and I flinched. "Cam, what happened?" he asked. I shook my head. "Nothing," I said weakly. Harry stared at me. "Bloody hell, how did we not see it." he said. "What?" hermione asked. "It was them, wasn't it Cam?" he asked. My head snapped. "Cam, was it him?" he asked. "Harry I-" I started. He stood up and stormed over. Ron, Fred and George followed. Hermione and Ginny stood up too. I just followed. "Harry don't-" I said. He grabbed Evan's collar and threw him to Fred and George. "What the-" he yelled. They held his arms and Harry punched him across the face. "What the fuck Potter?" he yelled fighting Fred and George's grip. "You fucking bastard. You raped her." he yelled. I looked over at the Slytherin table and Draco's head snapped up. I saw the look in his eyes and within a second he had pushed Harry out of the way and was beating the life out of Evan. "Draco, stop," I screamed. Fred and George managed to pull him off. "I should kill you." he screamed. "She deserved it, she got Cedric killed. He yelled. "No she didn't! She tried to save him. She tried to save me too. She risked her life but she couldn't save him." Harry said. "She loved him. She loved Cedric but she obliviated him. Loving her put him in danger so she she erased his memory to keep him safe. She loved him enough to let him go even though it broke her heart." Hermione added. Evan's face dropped. "You didn't know that, did you?" he said. "You're lying." he said. "No I'm not. That necklace he bought, the one Cho's wearing, he bought that for Camilla." Harry said. "Harry stop." I said. "Why do you think it's red and gold, the red represents Gryffindor and the Yellow is Hufflepuff. It was their house colors." he said. Evan looked shocked. "You beat and raped her because of what you thought she did." he said. Evan looked at me. "You were telling the truth? He knew... about it?" he asked. I just nodded. "I- I," He stammered. Then he ran out. Draco started to follow him but I stopped him. A tear fell down my cheek. His knuckles were swollen and bloody. His shirt had specks of blood too. "Don't go," I said. He pulled me into his arms.

"Excuse me," a quiet voice said. I turned around and there stood Cho Chang. "Oh um hi." I said. She held out the necklace. "He bought this for you, you should have it." she said. "Cho I don't think-" I started. "It's alright. It did always seem like his heart belonged to someone else. It was yours. Please take it." she said. She placed it in my hand and smiled. Then she walked out.

Later, Harry, Draco and I were summoned to Dumbledore's office. In there stood Evan and the two other boys who raped me. "These boys just turned themselves in. They said they assaulted you Camilla, is that true?" he asked. I nodded. "They should be expelled." Harry said. "Yeah, she shouldn't have to see them anymore." Draco added. "We accept whatever punishment you see fit." Evan said. "No," I said quietly. "I think death is fit," Draco snapped. "No," I said out loud. Dumbledore looked up at me. "I'm sorry Camilla, what did you say?" he asked. "Please don't expel them Sir." I said. Everyone looked at me. "You're joking," Harry said. "I'm not. They were grieving the loss of one of the best people I've ever met. They didn't know the full story. They were angry and they acted on that emotion. I'm not saying it's ok, but you can't expel them for making a mistake." I said. "A mistake?" Draco exclaimed. He grabbed my arm and yanked up my sleeve. It showed the word carved into my arm. "They beat you and raped you, then they carved a word into your skin! That was not a mistake" he yelled. "Sir, you didn't expel me and Nathan for what we did. You can't expel them." I said. "Those were different circumstances Camilla, you came back here for your safety." he said. "Sir, they made a mistake but Hogwarts is their home. It's where they went to school with Cedric. With all due respect, you have no right to take that away from them." I said. He looked at me and sighed. "Very well, boys, you will have a 1 week suspension following the break. Then you may return. If I find out you did anything harmful to any student again, you will be expelled. Understood?" he asked. They nodded. "Ok, dismissed." he said. We walked out and I turned to face Evan. "Thank you," he said. "I didn't do that for you, I did it for Cedric. His best friends shouldn't be expelled. Please leave me alone." I said. They just nodded and walked away. Harry stopped me. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "Because Harry, Grief makes people do unthinkable things. People make mistakes. Some are small, like reading a diary," 'I started. He looked down. "And others are big, like what they did. But like I said, I did it for Cedric." I said. He just nodded. "Have fun explaining that to Draco." he said. I turned around but Draco had disappeared. "I'll talk to him after I see you guys off, let's go." I said. We got his trunk and walked to the train. I said goodbye to my friends and watched the train leave. Then I headed to Slytherin to find Draco. I hope he gets it somehow.

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