Chapter 104

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I shut the door to the classroom and exhaled a shaky breath. There was dried blood on my hands and more on my back. I put my sweater on and started to walk back to my dorm.

 I put my sweater on and started to walk back to my dorm

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"Camilla!" a voice yelled from down the hall. I turned around and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were there. "Fuck," I mumbled. Harry ran over and I just stared at the floor. My cheeks burned with shame as I saw Ron and Ginny. "What the hell is the matter with you?" Hermione yelled. "You just left and I had no idea where you were! You could have died!" Harry said. I kept my eyes to the floor. I couldn't face them. I just couldn't. "Ron didn't mean what he said. He was just upset." Ginny said. "I'm sorry, Camilla." Ron said. "Camilla, look at me!" Harry shouted. I looked up at him and my eyes watered. "What happened to you?" he asked. He grabbed my hands and turned them over. "Who's blood is this?" he asked. "Mine" I mumbled. "What did Nathan do? Did he hurt you?" he asked. I shrugged. "Camilla, snap out of it. What is going on?" Harry said. I looked at Harry and kissed him. Then I stepped back. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. Then I started to leave. "What the fuck?!" he yelled. He pulled my shirt open and stared at the cuts. I pulled away and turned around. "It's nothing." I said sharply. "Camilla, I need to take care of those before they-" he started. "No!" I exclaimed. His face dropped. "Ron was right. I can't keep letting you all get hurt because of me." I said. "I wasn't right. I was angry and I took it out on you. It was stupid. I didn't mean it." Ron said. "Well, I mean it." I said. "Camilla, why are you doing this? Don't you love me?" Harry said. "I'm doing this because I love you." I said softly. Then I walked away.


I watched her leave. Again. There was blood soaked through her shirt and tears on her face. She turned the corner and I stood there frozen. "Mate, I didn't mean to-" Ron started. I clenched my fists as my eyes turned glassy. "What? You didn't mean to what? Huh, Ron?" I yelled. "Harry-" Hermione started. I shoved him against the wall and held his collar. "How many times? How many times has she been raped or tortured? You know the only thing she had that was good in her life was us! And now she doesn't even have that!" I yelled. "Harry, enough!" Hermione snapped. "No!" I yelled. "I'm sorry," Ron said. "You will be. If something happens to her again, because we weren't there, I'm going to make sure you feel the same pain she did!" I yelled. Then I stormed off. I slammed the door to our bathroom and slid down the door. "Fuck" I sighed.


I heard everything. That Weasley boy is a fucking git. And now, she's alone. Which is exactly what I didn't want. Because of this stupid cabinet and now Nathan can get to her whenever he wants. I have to fix it. Today. Or Nathan is going to go too far and he might just kill her. I need her, she's all I'm living for.

I'm so fucking screwed.

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