Chapter 86

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"Cedric's dead?" I asked. They both just stared at me with pity on their faces. "You really are a dick, Malfoy." Harry spat. "What? Are you pissed that she found out the chosen one isn't as honest and pure as she thought?" he snapped. I felt like my head was spinning. "You may not trust me Camilla, but you shouldn't trust him either." Draco said. "What the hell does that mean?" Harry exclaimed. "I wrote to him. Telling him where you were. He could have saved you but he didn't. He has the backing of the Order and practically the whole wizarding world and he left you there to rot and die!" Draco yelled. My eyes watered and my legs grew weak. "That's not true and you know it. I didn't get your letter." Harry replied to Draco. "How do I know you are telling the truth? How do I know you aren't lying to me like you lied to her about Cedric?" he retorted. "I don't owe you an explanation, you are the one who-" Harry started. "Stop!" I yelled. They both looked at me and froze. "Cedric is at home, sick. Real or not real?" I asked. Harry sighed.

"Not real," Harry said. My heart sank. "Why did you lie? You said- I already don't know so much. Why would you lie to me?" I asked. He opened his mouth to speak but I heard someone else.

"That's enough." I looked up and saw Professor Snape walk over. I stared at him. I wiped the tears from my face as I recognized the look on his face. "I don't want to ask." I said quietly. "Ask what, Camilla?" Harry said. "If he's my dad. I just want something I remember to be real." I said.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "You are my father, real or not real?" I asked. He shook his head sadly and looked at me. "Not real," he said gently. I felt more tears fall to my face. I sat on my bed and buried my face in my hands. "Then who is it?" I asked. Harry sat down next to me and held my hand. "You don't remember who it is?" he asked. I shook my head. "I just- I just don't remember-"...

"I can help with that." I turned around and it hit me. That voice. Those eyes. That smirk. "Nathan?" I said. He chuckled. My hands started to shake. Harry and Draco jumped up and Professor Snape stood in front of my bed. "Leave, Nathan." Harry said. "I just wanted to check up on my dear sister. Though I'm not even sure she remembers she has a brother. Lucky her." he taunted. I stared at him. He tried to walk over to me and Harry pushed him back. "You aren't going anywhere near her," he spat. "That's fine," he said casually. Then he looked at me. "Camilla, come with me," he said. Suddenly, my mind flooded with memories of pain and fear. I knew if I didn't go with him, I would be punished. I stood up and started to follow him. Then I felt two arms wrapped around me, stopping me. "Harry, let go. I have to go with him." I said. My voice filled with panic as I tried to break free from him. "You need to leave, Nathan, Now." Professor Snape said. "Camilla, you know what happens if you don't obey me." he said. My heart started racing as tears poured down my cheeks. "I know. I know! I'm sorry!" I cried as I fought off Harry. I clawed at his arms trying to get him to let go. "Camilla, stop!" Harry pleaded. I kept fighting. "Nathan, please! I'm trying, please. Just wait!" I cried out. He stood there, with a smirk. I broke free of Harry and almost ran over to him when Draco grabbed me. Then Harry grabbed me too. They held tight and stared in horror. "What the hell did you do to her?" Harry exclaimed. He shrugged. "Seems she finally learned her place." he said. Tears fell to my cheeks. "I'm sorry Nathan. I'm sorry. Please, I'm sorry." I begged. "It's alright, dear sister." he said calmly. "You want to remember your father?" he asked. I nodded hesitantly. "I'll help you remember." he said smugly. He drew his wand and pointed it at me. Before Snape could disarm him, he whispered a spell and I felt pain. I felt the same pain I felt as memories flooded through my head. I remembered the torture, I remembered those men doing what they wanted to me, I remembered my father killing Cedric, I remebred him giving me the dark mark, I remembered everything. Then it all stopped. I was sweating and panting on the floor. As I gasped for air, Harry pulled me into his arms. I just watched Nathan walk out. "Camilla! Camilla, can you hear me?" he asked. He held me tight and I clung to his shirt. "I remember." I whispered. He looked at me with concern. "What did you remember?" he asked. "I know who my father is." I said. He just nodded. "It's ok. It'll be ok." he whispered. He helped me up and back into my bed. I held his hand and he didn't let go. "I won't leave," he said. I nodded. I felt Madame Pomfrey pour a liquid down my throat and I got drowsy. As the world blurred, I watched Draco walk out. He got smaller and smaller until he disappeared out the door. Then I passed out.

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