Chapter 44

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I screamed as the burning sensation on my arm intensified.

"Cedric!" I screamed.

I could see the hatred in Harry's eyes.

"Let me Go"

"You will never be safe."

"You will always be their fucktoy."

"I'm sorry."

"I must not tell lies"


"Please, no more."

I screamed again and again.

More screams.

Screaming, screaming, screaming

"Cam!" "Cam!" "Wake up" I shot up and opened my eyes. Tears streamed down my cheeks and beads of sweat covered my forehead. I could feel it dripping down my back. My hands shook and I shivered. The lights were clicked on and Hermione and Ginny were in front of me. Ginny sat next to me on the bed and pulled me into her arms. "It's ok. It's over." she whispered. My breaths were fast and shallow. "Calm down, just breathe." Hermione said, she held my shaking hands. I slowed my breathing and the tears stopped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up." I said. "It's alright." Hermione said. "Yeah, it's not your fault." Ginny added. I just nodded and we all went back to bed. I laid back down and waited for them to fall asleep. Then I grabbed my wand, book and blanket and went to the common room. I immediately saw the brown hair sitting in front of the fire. I walked over and sat down next to him. "Nightmare?" I asked. He nodded. "Me too," I said. "Cedric?" he asked. "Ya." I said. "Was that it?" he asked. "No." I said looking down. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head. "Ok then." he said. I tossed some of my blanket to him and he pulled it over his legs. I sat there and read and he just stared at the fire. We keep eachother company. I tried to focus on my book but eventually my mind just zoned out. "Cam?" he said. I put my book down and looked up at him. "What are you going to do about Nathan?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You can't keep living in constant fear of him. He can't keep hurting you. You saw what happened today, that was awful." he said. I shook my head. "I told you I'm fine." I said looking back at my book. He sighed and grabbed it from my hands. "You aren't. You are fine right now, until he does something again. Then what?" he asked. I shrugged. "I'll handle it." I said. "How?" he asked. "Harry, can you stop worrying about it." I said. He scoffed. "Why don't we bring that journal back out and read through it, and count how many times he tortured you so far?" he said sharply. "Go ahead, you already read it once." I said. I scoffed. "I knew it. You guys may have forgiven me but you will never trust me again. Will you?" I said. "Cam, I trust you." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Then drop it ok?" I said. "Fine, but promise me something." he said. I looked up once more. "If something happens, anything, please at least tell me. You don't have to tell the whole group or even any teachers if you really don't want to. Just please at least tell me. Just so I know you're ok." he said. "Fine." I said. "Promise?" he asked. I smiled at him. "I promise. But you have to promise me you won't freak out if I do. Because if I tell you something and you get all mad, I'm never telling you anything again." I said. He nodded. "Fine. I promise." he said. I nodded. "Now shush, I'm reading," I said. He chuckled. "Yes Miss Bossy" he said. I chuckled and we went back to silent company. I missed Harry. He cared for me in a way nobody else did. Like a brother. A real one.



"Hey Camilla" I looked up from where I was studying in the library and saw Draco standing in front of me. We haven't talked much since that night at the Astronomy Tower. "Hey" I said nodding at him. He sat down next to me and I looked up at him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Sitting with you." he said. I got deja vu. "Draco, I told you we couldn't do this." I said. His face fell. "I thought you just said that because of what happened during the summer." he asked. I could see the hurt on his face. Remember why you're doing this Camilla. "No Draco. I told you. I don't like you." I said. "I don't believe you." he said. "Well you should. Why would I like you? You hang out with my brother, you tortured me because he said so and you're the reason I had to obliviate Cedric. Just because we like the same book doesn't make us soulmates." I said. His eyes went dark. "You know what you're right. I don't want a bunch of death eaters sloppy seconds." he snapped. My heart stopped. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't mean to say that. I shoved my things in my bag and started to leave. "Camilla, I didn't mean that-" he started. I stood up and started to walk but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the back of the library. "Draco, stop" I said. We got to the very back of the library and my back was pressed against the wall. He stood there trapping me between his arms. "Just listen to me." he said sharply. I stared at him. With every breath I took, I inhaled his scent of mint and green apple. "Camilla, I didn't mean that." he siad, I nodded. "Fine, whatever." I mumbled. He lited my chin to look at him. "Please I'm sorry." he said sadly. "Fine." I said again. "Camilla, what are you so afraid of?" he asked. I stared at the floor. "Why won't you let me in? Why won't you let me love you?" he asked. His voice cracked at the word love. "You don't love me Draco." I said. He sighed. "Yes I do. I love you Camilla. Why does that scare you so badly?" he asked. My eyes watered. I tried to push him back but he grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him. "Please, just tell me." he said. "Because the last boy who loved me ended up dead." I said. I tear fell from my face as I imagined that green flash hitting Draco. I imagined seeing his lifeless body on the ground. Those blueish silver eyes once filled with fire drained and empty. I shook my head. "I can't do it." I said softly. He pulled me into his arms. "I'd rather die knowing you love me than live knowing you don't." he said. I shook my head. "No." I said. "Camilla, it's ok to be scared. But you can't put everyone else's lives ahead of your and think that counts as love." he said. "That's all I can do." I whispered. He lifted my chin. "Please tell me you love me so I can kiss you." he said. I stared into those eyes. "Please say it Camilla." he said. His gorgeous hues were melting every wall I've ever put up to keep me safe and I couldn't stop it. "I love you Draco" I whispered. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine. I melted at his touch and he pulled me into his body. I ran my fingers through his hair and his hands roamed my body. " I love you Camilla." he whispered. I kissed him again and stepped back. "I have to go." I said remembering Hermione and Ron asked me to meet them at this old place called Hogs Head. "Ok." he said. I started to leave. "So what does this mean for us?" he called out. I turned around. "I don't know yet." I said. He nodded and I left.

I walked down to this old shack called Hogs Head and went inside. It was filled with a group of students. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?" he kid snapped. They all stared at me. One stood up and walked over to me. He was tall and towered over me. "You should die for what you did." he said. My veins iced and hands began to shake. Just then, Fred and Geoge walked in. They immediately saw what was happening and came to my aid. George pushed the boy away and Fred stood next to me. "Lay off Ricketts" George said. "She's with us, anyone got a problem." Fred asked. It was silent. Then Luna walked in with Cho Chang. I waved to Luna and she smiled at me. I sat in between Fred and George. "Thanks" I whispered. They both nodded. "Of course darling" they said in unison. Then Harry, Hermione and Ron walked in.

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