Chapter 65

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The door shifted back into a wall and she was trapped in there. "What are you going to do with him?" Blaise asked as he nodded to Draco. I smirked. "You'll see." I said. We walked back to Slytherin and the halls were empty. I checked the clock and it was already 10. We got back to the dorms and Draco stood there waiting for instructions. "Go into your room and go to sleep. Don't talk to anyone without me or Blaise. Understood?" I asked. "Yes," he said. Then he walked into his dorm. "I'm not questioning you or anything Nathan but how long are you going to keep him like that?" he asked. "That sounds an awful lot like a question." I said. He immediately tensed up and got nervous. "Once Potter's back and I hear from my father, I'll release him." I said. Blaise nodded. "See you later." he said. Then he went into his dorm and I left too.



"Are you ok?" "Harry, talk to us." "I'm so sorry." "We're here for you." "Harry, don't push us away." "You know he loved you." "Stay strong, Harry. He'd want that." "Are you ok?"

Everyone keeps talking and talking. Asking if I'm ok, if I need anything. I understand they are just trying to help. But all I want is Sirius. But he's gone. I just sat on the couch and stared at the fire. Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George all sat with me. That's when it hit me... Camilla.

"Guys, Camilla is still gone." I said. "Oh Merlin, we never found her!" Ginny exclaimed. "Yeah well we've been a bit preoccupied" Ron mumbled. "I'll check our dorm." Ginny said. "I'll check the Great hall." Hermione said, taking Ron with her. "I'll check the hospital wing." I said. They nodded and we all split up. I ran to the hospital wing and scanned all the cots. She wasn't there. We all met back in the common room and nobody else found her. "I'm getting the map." I said. I went into my dorm and grabbed it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I said. The ink appeared and I spread it out on the table. We all started to scour the parchment for her name. "I don't see it." Ginny said. The disappointment was clear in her voice. "You're right. I mean, her name is completely gone. She's not in the castle." I said. "We have to talk to Nathan. What if he took her? What if she's home?" Hermione said. I nodded. "Agreed. Let's go." I said. I headed for the Great Hall since he's probably at dinner by now. Ron, Hermione and Ginny followed and we rushed through the halls. I have to find her. I just lost Sirius. I can't lose Camilla too.


I had just returned from Riddle Manor when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Blaise. "What?" I asked. "Snape just asked me where Draco is. He's getting suspicious because he hasn't seen him." he said. "What did you tell him?" I asked. "I said I haven't seen him." Blaise replied. I nodded. "Good. I just got back. My father said I can take the curse off now." I said. "Won't he remember everything?" Blaise questioned. "Yes, your point?" I asked. "Well what if he tries to save her?" Blaise asked. I paused. "He won't. Father planned for that." I said. Blaise just nodded. Then we left and headed for Draco's dorm. I went inside and pointed my wand at him and broke the spell. The fogginess in his eyes went away and he sat up. His pupils dilated and he clutched his head as all the memories came crashing down. Once he came to, he looked at me with fury in his eyes. "What did you do?!" he screamed. He launched towards me but Blaise and I pointed our wands at him. "Actually it was you, you did it." Blaise spat. "I did you a favor. If you continue to be with her, you will suffer. Now you don't have to worry about it." I said. "You didn't have to do that! I would have left her alone if you told me to, I swear." he said. I scoffed. "No, you wouldn't. And she's not necessarily dead. But she will always hate you. You're welcome." I said. Then  Blaise and I walked out. The second the door shut, I heard sobs coming from his room. "Pathetic." I spat. I left Slytherin and headed to the Great Hall for dinner. I sat down and started to eat but I was interrupted. I turned around to see Potter and his friends. "Why hello Potter? How's your godfather?" I taunted. "You fucking bastard!" he yelled launching towards me but Ron stopped him. "Where's Camilla?" Ginny demanded. I smirked. "No idea." I said. "I know you know. Tell us or I swear I will torture it out of you." Potter spat. "Good luck with that." I said. "Why can't you just leave her alone? What did she ever do to you?" Granger asked. "She was born." I replied.

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